Sri Adhishvar Bhagwan in sandal wood color, seated in a lotus posture, of height 76.2 Cms in a shrine on the main road near the village of Upariyala. (Shve).


This shrine is believed to be of a period before 15th Vikram century because it has been referred to in a composition entitled “Chaitya Paripati” by Sri Jaisagarhi Upadhyay in 15th Vikram century. A reference is available about its Jain householders having built Jain temples at various places during 16th Vikram century. In “Tirthmala” composition of 17th Vikram century, this shrine has been described. All this go to suggest that during these periods, there lived here many Jain householders of great prosperity and affluence. In the later period, for some time, this shrine remained under oblivion.

In Vikram year 1919, on Vaishakh Poornima, one peasant of this place, named Ratna Kumbhar had a dream at night in which it was indicated to him that in his farmland, there were lying under the earth several Jain idols. Based on this indication when digging was undertaken, the idols did appear there. This peasant of great fortune carried the idols with devotion and respect in a procession accompanied with music and bands and handed them over to local Jain householder families who accepted them with great joy and happiness installing them in the temple with appropriate rites and rituals on Kartik Poornima in Vikram year 1920. Day by day, fame of the temple began spreading like wild fire and thousands of devotees started coming here for worship. In Vikram year 1944, on Magh Sukla 13, the Lord was ceremonially installed in a beautiful newly constructed temple.

This shrine has remained a place of miracles since ancient times. Before the idols were discovered from under the earth, “Vaghris” of this area used to indulge themselves in acts of violence as a result of which they were suffering many hardships and difficulties. They however did not know the reason why and finally to escape from such adverse conditions, only when they left the area for good, the conditions improved and peace and well being were established. The priest of the temple bears testimony to the fact of having seen these miracles. It is said that during festival days of Diwali etc., drums beats and instrumental music are heard. There is a lamp here which has been burning continuously without being extinguished for the last over 86 years of which the collyrium formed is of saffron color instead of usual black. Every year of Falgun Sukla Ashtami, a fair is held.

There is no other temple besides this one in this area. The idols discovered from under the earth are ancient, attractive and beautiful. There are no inscriptions on any of them. The dome of the temple though small is in a special style.


From the shrine, the railway station of Upariyala is 1.5 Kms away which is located on Viramgam-Kharaghoda rail line. There are no vehicles available here for transport. The management authorities send a bullock cart to carry pilgrims from railway station to the shrine. Nearby large town is Patadi which is 14 Kms away. On Viramgam-Dasada road one can come here via Fulki and Navrangpura. Buses to come here from Ahemdabad and Viramgam are available. Bhoyani is 75 Kms, Shiyani 7 Kms and Viramgam is 31 Kms away from here.


There is a dharamshala nearby for lodging with all facilities and a bhojanshala for meals.


Sheth Anandji Kalyanji Pedhi Upariyala Teerth
P.O. Uparilaya – 382 765
Dist : Surendra Nagar, Gujarat.
Tel: 02757 – 26826.


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