Sri Vasupujiya Bhagwan seated in a lotus posture, in white color in a shrine located in the village of Tiwari (Shve).
It is believed that this shrine is contemporeous to that of Osiyan. According to the reference found from Osiyan, the town of Osiyan expanded till the village of Tinwari. It implies that this place was inhabited during that time. Even the art here is same as that of Osiyan.
It is said about this temple that in Vikram year 212, a Kisan had dashed with this temple. On digging, the sikhar of this temple was seen. Later, on digging further according to rituals, a beautiful temple emerged which exists in this village even today. It is difficult to find out as to who had constructed this temple and the antiquity of the temple. But it is certain that the temple was constructed 1800 years ago.
At every place, whenever necessary the temple is renovated, similarly over here renovations have taken place a lot of times. In the ancient period, the presiding deity of the temple was Sri Parshvanath Bhagwan, but due to some reasons 700 years ago when the temple was renovated, the idol of Sri Vasupujiya Bhagwan was installed which exists in the present.
The antiquity and the majestic history of this place is the significance. This place is believed to be the capital of Tanwar Rajas perhaps, because of their name the village was called as Tinwari. In the ancient times, at various places, the kings used to follow Jainism and did a lot of good work for the glorification of the religion. They used to participate in the construction and renovation of temples. Similarly, in the same lines, Tanwar Raja after adopting Jainism as their religion, had constructed a lot of temples. This is one of such temples.
According to the one opinion, it is said that during the construction of temple, the idol initially was of Sri Parshvanath Bhagwan made of panna (Precious Stone). Approx during 3rd Vikram century the idol had to be taken away from here to protect it due to some unknown reasons. It is not known whether it was buried fearing something. But the idol is not to be found. In between, the temple was renovated many a times. It is believed that the idol of present Presiding Deity is of the 11th Vikram century, when the temple was renovated. It is said that Sri Pujiyaji, with his powers appeared himself during the renovation and got the idols of Sri Vasupujya Bhagwan and Sri Padmaprabhu Bhagwan. It is not known during which renovation this incident had taken place. However it is subject of research. The final renovation took place in Vikram year 2041.
The art and style of the temple is same as that of Osiyan and Abu Dilwada. The ancient idols installed in the temple are quiet artistic and very beautiful. Besides this temple, there is a huge temple of Sri Padmaprabhu Bhagwan, which is believed to have been constructed in Vikram year 911. There is a Dadawadi also nearby.
The nearby railway station of Osiyan is 20 Kms away and that of Jodhpur is 42 Kms away, where autos and taxis are available. Tenwari has also a railway station. Railway station and bus stands are both ½ Km away from the temples. Cars, buses can go upto the temple. There is a airport at Jodhpur.
For lodging, there is a dharamshala near Sri Padmaprabhu temple with all facilities. At present there is no bhojanshala but on prior intimation food can be arranged for.
Sri Jain Mandir and Dadawadi Trust
Sri Vasupujyaswamiji ka mandir
P.O. Tinwari – 342 306.
Dist : Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Tel : 0291-620016 (PP)