यह क्षेत्र श्रमण संस्कृति का पुरातन केंद्र हैं. काल के भीषण प्रहारों से खंडहर बने मंदिर में अब मात्र टिले रह गए हैं. यहाँ भगवन शांतिनाथ के मंदिर में भव्य एक शिलाफलक मं १८ फ़ुट ऊँची भगवन शांतिनाथ की मूर्ति हैं, यही क्षेत्र की मुलनायक प्रतिमा हैं.

Shri Seronaji Atishaya Kshetra is an ancient place a centre of Jain culture and art. Builder of so many Jain Temples at various places Shri Devpat Khevpat Panashah also built so many temples here in V.S. 964. The expansion of Kshetra and available broken fragments of Jain Temples & Idols shows that those temples were very much in numbers.

How to reach:

Seronji Atishaya Kshetra Tirth Sitauted 18 km. away from Lalitpur.

Nearby Places:

Lalitpur 18 km (By Road), 22 km (By Train)
Jakhora 12 km(By Road), 17 km (By Train)
Chanderi 27 km (By Road)
Talbehat 30 km (By Road), 35 km (By Train)
Rajghat 12 km (By Road)

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