Shri Neminath Bhagwan


Village: Shauripur, Post: Bateshwara, 283104, Uttar Pradesh

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How To Reach

Nearest major railway station is Agra Fort. Public & private transport is available.

  • Trust Name

Shree Shauripur Jain Shwetamber Teerth Samiti


Situated 1.5 KM from Bateshwara, in the Sauripur village, on the banks of the Yamuna River in Agra, this temple houses a 75 cm tall idol of Shree Neminath Bhagwan.

Brief History

A King Yadu of the Harivansh Dynasty (later called Yaduvansh) had 2 sons named ‘Sauri’ & ‘Veer’, after whom this region was named.This large city , earlier known as ‘Suryapur’ has seen the ‘Chyavan’ & ‘Janma’ Kalyanakas of Shree Neminath Prabhu – the 22nd teerthankara of the present ‘Chovisi’.Visited by Shree Mahavirswami Bhagwan, this region has witnessed many Munishris attaining ‘Kewalgyana’ & ‘Nirvana’. The significance of this historic place is evident from the remains found in the caves & hillocks, the ancient idols & the copper coins found here.

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