Shri Mahavir Swami


Post : Bijapur, District : Pali 306707, Rajasthan

Nearest Railway Station:Jawai Bandh Railway Station

Distance:20.3 km

Nearest Airport:Jodhpur

How To Reach

28 KM from Falna & 40 KM from Ranakpur. Bijapur Bust stand is 3 KM away from the Teerth. Buses & taxis till the teerth from major cities are available.

  • Trust Name

Shree Hathundi Rata Mahavir Swami Teerth


From time to time this ancient, historic Teerth has been renovated & reconstructed. The importance of this Temple is that the Idol of Lord Mahaveer has ‘Lanchan’ ( Symbol) of Lion at the base & head is that of elephant. Probably that’s why during the 13th century , the place was named ‘Hastihundi’. This form of the symbol is rare.

Brief History

Situated on the hillock , about 3 km from Bijapur, this ancient Teerth is believed to be constructed during 370 A D by Veerdev Shresti. In 1335, devotees from Sevadi rennovated it. Here ancient Idols, Wells & ruins of royal palaces depict that once upon a time, this place must have been a vibrant , lively society of religious & cultured people.

Prathishtha Date

Vikram Samvat 1345

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