Sri Adinath Bhagwan in white color seated in a lotus posture of height 150 Cms (a four-fold image whose face is seen on all four sides ) located on a hill known as fort of Dayalshah on the Rajasamand main highway 1 ½ Kms far from Kankroli (Shve).


Maharana Rajsing founded this place after his name. It is stated that Maharana’s brave minister Sri Dayalshah Sanghvi of Oswal dynasty had spent a crore of Rupees and built this magnificent temple. It was consecrated ceremonially at the hands of Acharya Sri Vinaysagarsurishvarji on Thursday, Vaishakh Sukla 7 in Vikram year 1732. The Dhvaja of this nine-storey temple was visible from a distance of 12 miles. This temple was broken and destroyed in the belief that it was a fort of some king during the period of Aurangzeb. Today only two storeys of the temple appear as saved. The temple has several underground cells also. It is believed to be one of the Panch Tirthi of Mewad.

Bravery and exploits of Dayalshah are well known in Mewad’s history. He had saved the Maharana of Mewad from death by his resource-fulness, intelligence and courage and thus had risen to the position of Maharana’s most favorite and trust worthy minister. Once after giving a crushing defeat to even Badshah Aurangzeb’s army he had taken the revenge and won over the hoard of gold which after loading on camels was handed over by him as a gift to the Maharana. Dayalshah had then expressed to Maharana , a wish to build a temple on this hill and the Maharana at once accepted the wish as his own. A magnificent temple was thus built on this hill which was just opposite to the hill on which stood the palace of Maharana. Every year a fair is held here on Bhadrapad SUkla 6. “Terapanthi” community was founded here at Rajnagar. It was from here that Acharya Sri Bhiksuswami had decided to commence propogating his own ideology.

Between the hills of this temple and Maharana’s palace, there is a place called “Navchowki” where ancient arch work of art and other relics can be seen. Besides this temple, there are three more temples and a Guru Mandir.


The nearby Railway station of Kankroli is 5 Kms away from here where buses and taxis are available. This place is 1 ½ Km away from Rajasamand on Kankroli-Rajasamand road. Udaipur is 60 Kms away from this place. Cars and buses can go on the hills upto a small distance where there is a dharamshala. From here, to climb upto the temple there are about 250 steps. Buses and cars can go upto the temple in the circuit house route.


For lodging there is dharamshala with all facilities and a bhojanshala fro meals is also there.


Sri Rishabhdev Bhagwan Ki Pedhi
Dayalshah’s Fort, Jain Teerth
P.O. Rajasamand – 313 326
Dist : Rajasamand, Rajasthan
Tel : 02952 20149.


12280_Sri Rajnagar Tirth.

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