Sri Mahavir Bhagwan seated in a lotus posture, of golden color and height of 80 Cms, located in a shrine in a village called Osiyan (Shve).


The old name of this village are believed to be Upakesh Pattan, Urkesh, Melpur, Pattan, Navneri etc. According to a composition entitled “Upakeshgachchha Pattavali” of 14th Vikram century, when Acharya Sri Ratnaprabhsurishvarji who was the 7th succeeding Acharya in Sri Parshvanath Bhagwan tradition visited this place accompanied by his five hundred saint disciples in Vir Nirvana year 70 i.e. almost four centuries before Christ, the ruler of the area was Upaldev and his minister was Uhad. Being impressed by the religious discourses of the Acharya, they had accepted Jain religion, There is a reference that this temple was then constructed at the direction of Raja Upaldev and the ancient idol therein was ceremoniously installed and sanctified at the hands of the Acharya. One time this village was certainly a very illustrious city with extensively a large area. Lohavat and Tivari were its colonies.

In Composition entitled “Osiyan Vir Stavan” by Sri Nayapramod, disciple of Sri Hir Uday in Vikram 1712, it is stated that this idol was installed here by Raja Samprati. Having remained buried under the soil for several centuries, when the minister Uhad founded this city, Acharya Sri Ratnaprabhsurishvarji set his feet here and when minister Uhad being impressed by Acharya’s discourses on Jainism, accepted Jain religion. During that time this idol was manifested from down under the earth and was ceremoniously installed and sanctified on Magh Krishna 8 in Vikram year 1017 after the temple was reconstructed. In a hand written manuscript known by the name “Oswal Utpatti” a reference is found that in Vikram year 1011, Osiyan was founded by minister Uhad and in 1017, the temple was built. According to archeologists, the structural designs here belong to 8th century. In the history relating to Korata, it is stated that 70 years after “nirvana” of Sri Mahavir Bhagwan, Jain temples of both Korata and Osiyan were ceremoniously sanctified at the hands of Acharya Sri Ratnaprabhsurishvarji appearing simultaneously at both places during the same auspicious period of the day. In the history of Bhinmal also, it is stated the Rajkumar Upaldev and minister Uhad founded the city of Upakeshnagar during this very period.

According to “Osiyan Vir Stavan” a composition by Nayapramod, if this very city was founded in 12th Vikram century, it is not possible that seven hundred years earlier king Samprati came here and installed the idol. How can even the structural designs of the 8th century be found here? It is evident therefore that this city was founded definitely in the period of 70 years after “nirvana” of Sri Mahavir and the temple too was constructed then. In the course of the years later, repairs and renovations must have been carried out and in this way in the 8th century also the repairs must have been carried out but the ancient idol was manifested from down under the earth during the period of Acharya Sri Ratnaprabhusurishvarji must be the same, however consecrated again, which is present this day. At present, the repairs are still going on, which started a few years back.

By the discourses of Acharya Sri Ratnaprabhsurishvarji, countless brave rajput warriors had given by liquor and meat for good and converted themselves as followers of Jain religion. The “Osh” dynasty was founded this time by the Acharya and all these new Jains were taken within this fold. This place therefore is the source of “Osh” dynasty whose successors are found today not only in every nook and corner of India but also the world. Almost all are prosperous and wealthy and continue doing countless deeds of charity and benevolence as they have been doing throughout the centuries. The credit really for all this belongs to the Acharya Sri who in his far sightedness had taken the initiative. It need not be over emphasized that all member of the Oswal community should not only visit this holy land of they great fore fathers but also should not fail to have the worshipful sight of the idol of Sri Mahavirswami ceremoniously installed and sanctified by the founder of their dynasty.

In the temple, there exists also an image of the Guardian god in the form of two combined cobras (male and female) which is believed to be working wonderful miracles and is famous as Sri Puna Baba. This image is also believed to be equally old. It is stated that Acharya Sri Ratnasurshvarji gave religious discourses even to Sri Chamundidevi, made her a believer in Jain faith of three jewels, right faith, right knowledge and right conduct and honored her with the name of Sachchaiya Mata and it is also stated that it was her divine power which formed the idol of Sri Mahavir Bhagwan out of cow-milk and sand which the Acharya Sri installed and consecrated and which is still seen as the Presiding Deity here. Every year on Falgun Sukla 3 a festival is held on this land where thousands of devotees participate in the worship ceremonies.

Osiyan is not only a religious shrine, it is also a shrine for art. The place is world famous for both scripture and iconography. The figure image carved on stone here are unequalled. The temple of Sri Mahavir Bhagwan and several other temples are world famous because of their expense, art and beauty. On the pillars in the hall and on the walls all around are carved figures of gods, goddesses and princesses in shapes and forms of stunning beauty. Besides these, on the outside of the life story of Bhagwan Neminath, the abhishek festival of Bhagwan Mahavir and the scene of the substitution of the two embryos are superbly alive. In the octagonal hall, Acharya Sri is found delivering religious discourses to his disciples and householders. In the Vault of the dance hall, the dancers are shown dancing with musical accompaniments. The workmanship on the arches at the entrance and exit of the circular path round the innermost Sanctum in the temple is excellent and beyond comparision. The whole complex is extremely important from the point of view of archeologists. Hundreds of lovers of old art and sculpture including foreigners keep on visiting the place for ideas and inspiration. In the eastern side of the village about a Km away from the temple on a small hillock, there is a Dadawadi where foot-prints of Acharya Sri Ratnaprabhsurishvarji and others are enshrined. The famous temple of Sri Sachchaiya Mata is also about one Km away from here.


Osiyan railway station which is on Jodhpur Jaisalmer railway line is about 1 Km from the temple. From the station, autos and taxis are available. This shrine is on Jodhpur-Phalodi main road. From here Jodhpur is 60 Kms away and Phalodi is 65 Kms away. There is a tar road upto the temple. Buses and cars can go upto the temple. Buses for going to Jodhpur, Jaipur, Ahemdabad, Surat, Bikaner, Nagore , Phalodi and Jaisalmer are easily available.


Apart from an old dharamshala in the courtyard of the temple, there is a well equipped “Ratnaprabhsuri Oswal Nagar” dharamshala nearby in whose premises buses and cars can be parked. Here, even arrangements for dry snacks or meals can be made available at the bhojanshala.


Seth Sri Jain Mangalsinhji Ratnasinhji Dev’s Pedhi Trust
P.O. Osiyan – 342 303.
Dist : Jodhpur, Rajashthan
Tel : 02922-74232, 74251

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