Sri Adhinath Bhagwan seated in a lotus posture in a shrine at the village of Nagore, and near Singhviyo’s pole (Shve).


From reference in old scriptures, it is found that this village was once called Nagpur. At one time this was a central place for Jains. In “Dharampadeshmala” composed by Acharya Sri Jaisinhsuriji, the disciple of Sri Kanhamuni, there is a mention about this place having several Jain temples during 9th Vikram century. It also mentioned that in the Vikram year 919, ceremonies of consecration for a temple of Sri Mahavir Bhagwan by Sri Kanhamuni was performed.

In”Nagore Chaitya Paripati” composed by a disciple of Acharya Sri Vishalsundersuriji during 17th Vikram century, it is stated that 7 temples existed here. In one of the existing temples of Sri Shanthinath Bhagwan built in Vikram year 1515, on one of the metal idols there is an inscription dated Vikram year 1216. A reference is available about the building of the temple of Sri Adhinath Bhagwan in HIrawadi in Vikram year 1596. This temple of the 16th century is now famous as “Mota Mandir”. Rest of the temples are believed to be of the period after the 17th Vikram century.

During the reign of king Bhojdev, grandson of Sri Aaraja,on Bhadrapad Sukla Panchami in Vikram year 915, it is believed that Acharya Sri Jaysinhsurishvarji, the disciple of Sri Kanhamuni had composed his well known work “Dharmadeshmala” in one of the temples here.

The event when king Arnoraj had organized welcome celebration on a grand scale at the time of Acharya Sri Vadidevsurishvarji setting his feet on this soil in 12 Vikram century is particularly note worthy. Kalikal Sarvagna Sri Hemchandra. Charya was conferred the title of “Acharya” on this land and also at that time, shreshthi Sri Dhanad had made very good use of his wealth by spending lavishly in recognition of the event as unequalled.

Sri Parshvachandrasuri gachchha was established here. Even today there are Upashrayas here of Tapagachchha, Khartargachchha, Parshvachandrasuri gachchha and Lonkagachchha.

During 12th Vikram century, there was here one devoted householder by the name of Vardev Palliwal whose sons Asadhar and Laxmidhar and grandsons Nemad, Abhat, Manik, Salakhan, Thridev Gunadhar, Jagdev and Bhuvana etc., were largely responsible for many most praiseworthy deeds such as carrying out extensive repairs and complete renovations to many shrines, such as Sri Shatrunjay, Girnar, Abu-Dilwara, Jalore, Taranga, Prahladanpur, Patan, Charup etc.,

This shrine of Nagore is mainly unique because it has been the birth place of many devoted Jain householders, it has been the place of holy pilgrimage for several scholarly and erudite Acharyas and it has been the place where several works have been done for the glorification of Jain religion. Also in the temple here, fine wood carving on one of the gates and the whole of glass work are extremely pretty.

Besides this temple, there are seven other temples, one Gurumandir and two Dadawadi.


The railway station of Nagore is 1 KM away from the temple. In the village , taxis and autos are available. Cars can ply upto the temple doors. The buses however have to stop almost furlong away because the road there after is slipshod and irregular. By road this shrine is 135 Kms away from Jodhpur and 115 Kms away from Bikaner.


Near the railway station, there is a Dharamshala for lodging where water and electricity are available. The arrangements for meals can be made at Sri Amarchand Manakchand Betala Tapagachchhiya Jain Bhavan on prior request.


Sri Jain Swetamber Mandir Margi Trust (Regd)
Bada Jain Mandir,
P.O. Nagore, Rajasthan
Tel : 01582-40318/ 42281 (P.P)

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