Sri Padmaprabhu Bhagwan in white color, seated ina lotus posture, height 130 Cms located in a shrine in the middle of a village by the name of Nadol. (Shve)


In scriptures, this village has also been called by the names of Nandpur, Naddul, Nardulpur etc., This shrine is believed to be very ancient, of the period before king Samprati. Here before Vikram year 300, Sri Acharya Mandevsuriji, disciple of Sri Devsuriji in one of his chautarmas, had composed his Stotra (laudatory hymn ) of “Laghushanthi” . There is a reference which states that in Vikram year 700, the idol of Sri Neminath Bhagwan was installed can consecrated by Sri Ravi Prabhusuriji. From a deed of gift dated Vikram year 1228, it is found that Raja Alandev of Chouhan dynasty had built here a temple of Sri Mahavir Bhagwan. From stone-inscriptions it is also found that Sri Shalibhadrasuriji in Vikram year 1181, Sri Devsuriji’s disciple Sri Padmachadraganiji in Vikram year 1215, Sri Sumarisuriji in Vikram year 1237 and Sri Vijaydevsuriji in Vikram year 1686 had ceremonially sanctified some temples here. In “Tirthmala” composed by Sri Gnanvimalsuriji in Vikram year 1755, this shrine has been referred to. There is an inscription dated Vikramyear 1686 on the idol of the presiding deity. On several other idols, the inscriptions dated Vikram Year 1215 are seen. For centuries this place wallowed in prosperity and some one time it must have been a very large city as in found in references.

Here in the temple of Sri Neminath Bhagwan there is an underground ancient vault which is believed to go upto Nadalayi. Before Vikram year 300Acharya Sri Mandevsurivarji by practicing intense yoga in this vault had composed the “Stotra” (hymn) of “Laghu Shanthi” with the object of eradicating a great contagious disease ( called Mahamari) causing death to people. This hymn of “Laghu Shanthi” is still being sung for bringing peace and happiness at many places. On the entrance gate of this vault, an idol of Acharya Sri is installed where for the last 1775 years an eternal lamp is kept burning continuously. The most proficient debator Sri Shanthisuriji had taught here all scriptures of logistics to Munichandrasuriji. It was also here that in Vikram year 1049 Sri Dadarao, son of the local king named Sri Lakhanshi had got himself initiated into the Jain order of saints by that erudite scholar Acharya Sri Yashobhadrasuriji. During 11th Vikram century, the king of this city had presented a throne of gold to the minister Sri Vimalshah. The Bhandari and Kothari “Gotra” ( a clan) Is believed to have been founded in this city of Nadol. There are three other temples of which the one of Sri Neminath Bhagwan is believed to be very ancient. The vault in which Sri Mandevsuriji composed is hymn of “Laghu Shanthi” is located in this temple.

In the temples here, are ancient artistic idols. One idol of Sun-God and one small temple with quadruple fronts made of gold touch-stone without joints are extremely fascinating. From the ruins of the ancient temple of Sri Mahavir Bhagwan, three large size idols were recently recovered, whose installationand consecration ceremonies took place in Vikram year 2014. These are worth seeing. Near the present village there appear scattered many structures including small stepped-wells where if proper researches are carried out one is sure to find ancient material of great historical significance.


The nearby railway station of Rani is 18 Kms. Falna is about 50 Kms, Nadalayi 10 Kms and Muchhala Mahavirji is 22 Kms away from this shrine. Cars and buses can go upto the temple.


For lodging there is a dharamshala near the temple where all the facilities including that of a bhojanshala are available.


Sri Jain Shvetamber Devasthan Pedhi
P.O. Nadol – 306 603,
Dist :Pali, Rajasthan
Tel : 02934 – 40044.

92553_Sri Nadol Tirth

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