Shri Mahavir Swami
Post : Ghanerao, District : Pali 306704, Rajasthan
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How To Reach
Located 15 KM from Sadri, 21 KM from Ranakpur, 16 KM from Narlai & 50 KM from Rani Railway station & Falna Railway Station, Muchhala Mahaveer Teerth is approachable by Buses, Taxis.
- Trust Name
Shree Anandji Kalyanji Pedhi
One of the PanchTeerthi of Godwal. Close by to this Teerth, just about 5 KM away, is Ghanerao Nagar,where 14 Jinalay are located. They are ancient & beautiful.
Brief History
This historic temple has a folk tale related to it & the name of the Teerth. It is believed that once upon a time, Maharana of Udaipur had visited the Temple. While taking the holy water of the Idol ( Nahvanjal) , he found a strand of hair in it. Mocking the Pujari present, he asked,does your God have Moushtache ? And the Pujari actually nodded his head. Maharana was adament to see the Lord with a Moustache & went in for the Darshan. And it was for the sake of Pujari’s virtues & devotion that the Lord actually appeared in front of the Maharana with a Moustache ! Since then, this place is known as Muchala Mahaveer Swami.
Prathishtha Date