Shri Bhidbhanjan Parshvanath Bhagwan in white color, seated in a lotus posture, and of height 90 Cms in a shrine in a forest surrounded by hills on three sides , 2 Kms outside the village of Mirpur (Shve).


It is stated that this village was founded by Hamir in Vikram year 805. the village is also known as Hamirpur, Hamirgadh etc., but this temple is mentioned as built even earlier by Raja Samprati in a composition entitled “Virvanshavali”. Renovations are stated to have been carried out on this temple by minister Sri Samant at the good advice of Acharya Sri Jayanandsuriji in Vikram year 821. The art and scripture executed here on ceilings, arches, borders and pillars etc., of the temple are believed to be over a thousand years old. It is possible that this execution may have taken place during renovations just referred to. The handwritten manuscript of the laudatory poem “Shatpadika” also a mention is made about the local Palliwal Shreshthi’s. At one time, this must have been a large and prosperous city as is evident by the scattered relics here. Even recently renovation work is completed.

The ancient art of the temple instantly reminds one of Abu, Dilwara, Kumbharia etc., The art of construction shown in building up the sikhar here is different from that of even Abu. This shrine has its special significance because of its unique solitary atmosphere, its art and its age. Celebration are held every year on Posh Krishna 10, Chaitra Poornima and Karthik Poornima. This is the birth place of Sri Parshvachandrasuriji Maharaj founder of Pparshvachandra Gachchha who was both during 16th Vikram Century. It was here that in Virkam year 1576, Sri Saubhagyasuriji, chief disciple of Sri Indranadsuriji of Tapa Gachchha had composed the story of “Maun Ekadashi”. The temple of this place has been even referred to in the “World Encyclopedia of Art”. The art here is without parallel. On the pillars of the temple, there are important inscription of the period of renovations Vikram year 1550 and 1556. The corner and sides of the plinth of this temple stand on elephants and this represents best of the art of the Pallava Period. On all sides are cut, carved or made significant figures of various gods and goddesses (gandharva, Kinnari etc.,). The atmosphere of deep quietude surrounding the temple located in the middle of the hills on three sides is just enrapturing. The natural scenery and particularly the setting of the sun are worth watching . Besides this temple, there are three more temples.


The nearby railway station of Sirohi road is 3224 Kms away, that of Abu Road is 60Kms away. The nearest large town is SIrohi which is 18 Kms away. From all these places, buses and taxis are available. Buses and cars can go upto the temple.


For lodging there is two dharamshala with all facilities including a bhojanshala for meals, water, cooking utensils, mattresses and bed-spreads are available.


Shri Kalyanji Parmanandji Pedhi, Mirpur
P.O. Mirpur – 307 001
Dist : Sirohi , Rajasthan
Tel : 02972 – 86737 (P.P)

5688_Sri Mirpur Tirth

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