Sri Padmaprabh Bhagwan in white color seated in a lotus posture, of height 53 Cms in a shrine located in the eastern direction of Mahudi village. (Shve).


In ancient times this area was known as Khadayat in which Kottarak was also included. From idols and relics of art discovered in this area from under the earth, it becomes evident that this shrine may be about 2000 years old and that there may be many Jain temples and Jain householder families living here. Some years ago, four old idols were discovered near Kotyark temple. On the idol cast in five metals there is an inscription in brahmi script which shows that the idol is 2000 years old. This five metal idol is believed to be the oldest Jain idol. This idol of the Presiding deity Sri Chandraprabh Bhagwan was once again ceremonially consecrated and installed in a newly constructed large temple in Vikram year 1974 at the hands of Acharya Sri Buddhisagarsurishvarji.

The temple of miracle working, powerful Sri Ghantakarna Mahavir was also ceremonially consecrated here in Vikram year 1980 at the hands of Acharya Sri Buddhisagarsurishvarji.

Every year on Asj Krishna 14, annual festival is organized here with great pomp and pageantry. On that day “Havan” (sacrificial fire to which things are offered) takes place in Ghantakaran Mahavir temple in accordance with Jain rites and rituals in which thousands of pilgrims participate and obtain benefit from prayers and worship, Here Ghantakaran Mahavir is alive, immanant and working miracles. He ranks 30th in the total of”52 Gods of adventure” (Bavan Vir’s).He is believed to be a god who has reached 4th Gunasthan (there are stages at which soul develops and each stage is called a “Gunasthan”). At this shrine there are always hundreds of visitors who try to fulfill their wishes and obtain happiness.

Near this temple of Sri Padmaprabhu Bhagwan there are 24 Dev Kulikas (small single room shrines dedicated to gods), a magnificent temple of Sri Ghantakarna Mahavir and one Guru Mandir of Sri Buddhisagarsurishvarji.

From here at a distance of 1.6 Kms on the banks of river Sabarmati there is a hill on which stands the temple of Kotyark where many artistic idols an d ancient relics are visible. Included in them is an idol cast in five metals, long haired and radium eyed seated in a lotus posture and of height 129.5 Cms of Sri Shanthinath Bhagwan which is mind captivating and extremely beautiful called as Sri Kesariaji Bhagwan. Such an idol of exquisite art is rarely to be seen anywhere else. On another hill nearby, there are remnants of Jain temples in which is seen an idol of Sri Ajitnath Bhagwan in white color and in a standing posture and of height 106 Cms which is very pleasant and on which there is found an inscription of the city of Mahikavati. It is stated that Srimad Buddhisagarsurishvarji Maharaj used to practice meditation here and he always asserted that the spot was veritable treasure store of Jain idols and wealth.


Nearby railway station is Bijapur which is 10 Kms away and Pilvai Road is 5 Kms on Kalol-Bijapur road. The Gandhinagar is 33 Kms, Kalol 50 Kms, Mehsana 50 Kms, HImmatnagar 40 Kms and Ahemdabad 70 Kms from this shrine.


For lodging there is a dharamshala here with all facilities and a bhojanshala for meals. Another dharamshala in block system is also recently constructed.


Sri Mahudi (Madhupuri) Jain Swetamber Murtipujak Trust
P.O. Mahudi – 382 855
Dist : Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat.
Tel: 02763 – 84626 / 84627.


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