Shri Parshwanath Bhagwan


Village : Lodravpur, District : Jaislamer 345001, Rajasthan

Nearest Railway Station


Nearest Airport:Jodhpur

How To Reach

Temple can be reached by autos or Jeeps.

  • Trust Name

Shree Jaisalmer- Lodravpur Parshwanath Jain Shwetamber Trust


Just about 15 KM from Jaisalmer, this is the ancient capital of rajput rulers. The temple dedicated to Sahasrfana Parshwanath is very popular due to various reasons. Viewpoint of artwork & architecture , it is splendid. Also, the Idol of moolnayak is considered to be magical & divine. It is said that ‘Sakshaat Nagdev’ appears many times & blesses the devotees.

Brief History

Once upon a time this was a major center for the Rajput Kingdoms. It was said to be very prosperous & glorious. Ancient University was also located here. But with due time, constant wars, it lost its glory & fame. Jeaslji King defeated the ruling king & shifted the capital from Lodrava to Jaisalmer. Also shifted all the precious belongings to the new capital.

Prathishtha Date


                                                                     Lodhrava Teerth
Jain Idol  :

Shyamvarniy idol of Shri Sahastrafana Parshwanath Bhagwan in Padmasan mudra of apprx 100cms in height.

Jain God Desc :

Ancient teerth

Jain Teerth :

The oldest among Jaisalmer panchteerthi, Lodrva teerth is famous for its magical myths. This teerth has two identical idols of the moolnayak made of black kasauti stone, one is placed in the main garbhgrih and other in the adjuscent. The ancient temple was renovated by danveer shreshthi Thirushah. He has repaid gold weighing equivalaent to both the idols to the sculpturist (moortikar). The designing work of the wooden Kalpvriksh having leaves, fruits and birds on it, is very attractive. Four other small temples are present ouside this temple.

Speciality of Jain Teerth :

This is the main teerthplace among the Jaisalmer panchteerthi. The carved art is unique in itself. The ancient Kalpvriksha can be seen only at this place. It was one of the biggest city and has the opportunity of holding the bigest University of the country in the olden days. Jain muni’s use to travel from this route and the Prince accepted Jainism after preeched by them. He stablished the biggest teerth place which still keeps the tourch of Jainism enlightened. Adhisthayak dev of the temple is vary powerful and hence the temple remain un effatected from many atacks on the city. He use to give darshan to his fellow followers on many occasions.

Managing Trust :

Shri Jaisalmer Lodravpur Parshwanath Jain Shwetambar Trust

Management Details of Jain :

Shri Jaisalmer Lodravpur Parshwanath Jain Shwetambar Trust; At & Post: Lodravpur; Dist.: Jaisalmer; State: Rajasthan.INDIA. TElephone: (02992) 40165.

Geographical Details :  
Historical Details :

Lodravpur was the main centre of Lodra Rajput in its olden days. The ancient University of India was situated here. It belong to King Sagar, whose two sons viz. Shridhar & Rajdhar have accepted Jainism after the preechings of Jainacharya’s. The establisment of huge Parshwanth Temple by them is descibed in the prashasti of ‘Satdal Padmayantra’ (still lying in the present temple) written by Shri Sahajkirti Ganivarya. Shri Khimsi seth started the renovation work which was completed by his son Shri Poonsi. I time-scale, the temple was damaged in the batle of Rawal Bhojdev and Jaisalji. Jaisal, the winner established Jaisalmer as the capitol of his kingdom and built a temple there. He shifted the Moolnayak idol of Shri Parshwanath Bhagwan from Lodrva to Jaisalmer. The greater donar of his days, Shri Theeru Shah started for Shatrunjay Teerthyatra with Yatra Sangh after laying the foundations of renovation work of this damaged temple. The work completed when he came back. Now he started search for the Moolnayak idol. Incidentally, two artists were carrying their best ever made two idols of Sahastrafana Parshwanath Bhagwan on a chariot came to Lodrava. They were heading towards Multan for selling those idol. They were given directions to present those idols to Theru Shah and Theeru Shah was given directions for accepting them as the Moolnayak idols for the renovated temple in their seen nightmares. Next day, they met in the mid way and Theeru Shah accepted both the idols after offering same weighing golds as of the idols to the artists. These idols were established in the temple on Migsar Shukla 12 of VS 1673 by Acharya Shri Jinraj Surishwarji. An ancient chariot is present in the temple campus, some says it to be the same in which the artists carying these idols and some says it to be of Theeru Shah who used it for his Yatra Sangh.

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