1982 – Jain Samaj opened an office in London, to cope with the growing interest Jains in London. 1983 – On 10th November, Shinalayas ceremony, the laying of the foundation stones for the first fully consecrated Jain Temple in the western World, was performed. 1984 – On 14th December, the Anjanshalaka ceremony was carried at Pali (Rajasthan) to the images of Shree Shantinath (79cm), Shree Parshwanath (64cm) and Shree Mahavirswami (64cm) which is currently situated at the Jain Centre. 1985 – On 25th August, a festival of entrance ceremony for 8 days was held at De Montfort Hall, Leicester and the above images were brought into Jain Centre. Chandubhai Trivedi (Somapura), SnehkantShroff and Gallery Associates helped to create the on marvellous temples and refurbished the Centre. Leicester city council and Leicestershire Museum helped in the administration of the grants. Diocese of Leicester helped the administration of the Jain Centre by allowing the services of Rev Michael Ipgrave as an administrator at Jain Centre for 3 years. 1988 – Temple was completed in 1988 on 8th July. The images entered in Garbhagriha (permanent place of abode) on 20th July. The Pratistha (installation ceremony) of the images was performed. The PratisthaMahotsav was for 16 days starting from 8th July 1988 to 23th July 1988.

Jain Samaj Europe
Jain Centre
32,Oxford Street

Tel:+44 (0)116 254 1150
E: help@jaincentre.com

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