Bharat Chakravarty first son of Lord Adinath worshipped at the bank of river Gandaki in pulasharm nearby in mansarovar lake. Lord Mahaveer Jain Niketan was founded on 15th November 1979 at Kamal Pokhari, Kathmandu. Vedi Pratishtha ceremony was performed from 23rd April to 25th April 1996 at the above place and the idol of Bhagwan Adhinath was placed.

This Temple is Symbol of unity for Jains around the world. This temple complex near Kamalpokhari (near city mall) a has Digambar Jain Mandir on the ground floor and a Swetambar Jain Mandir on the first floor. At the right is the Jain Bhawan that has a wedding hall in addition to several rooms for pilgrims. The Jain Temple is only of its kind outside India where the Jain Tirthankar Idols of Shwetambar and Digambar Sect are placed & worshipped in the same compound.

This temple complex near Kamalpokhari (near city mall) a has Digambar Jain Mandir on the ground floor and a Swetambar Jain Mandir on the first floor. At the right is the Jain Bhawan that has a wedding hall in addition to several rooms for pilgrims.

This Temple is situated about 3 KM from the airport and about 5 KM from Gongabu bus park Shikharbadh Jinalay


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