

Shri Mahavir Bhagwan seated in a lotus posture in white color , in a shrine located in Kataria village. (Shve).


The history of this place is believed to be 700 years old. It is said that Daanveer Seth Sri Jagdu Shah also had its palace here. In Vikram year 1312 Sri Bhadreshwar Maha Teerth got renovated by Seth Sri Jagdu Shah. Hence, it implies that he must have got it renovated while he was staying here.

It is also said that once upon a time this was a huge city with lot of temples. As course of time, it got converted into a small village. There is no information about those ancient temples, palaces and houses. IT must have got buried in an earth quake etc., This is the only temple over here today. Looking at the artistic scripture, it is believed that it is nearly 500 years old. The temple has been consecrated by Sri Vijaysensurihi, disciple of Sri Heervijaysurishvarji. IT must have got renovated then.

Shri Atmaramji’s disciple Shri Konakvijayji who was doing his chaturmas in the nearby village Vanthiya, visited this place in 1978. The renovation of the temple started with his inspiration. The Sangh of this place were also inspired to place the main idol of Sri Mahavir Bhagwan in this temple from Vanthiya village in Vikram year 1978. The date for consecration was fixed in Vikram year 1993. Magh SUkla Poornima by his hand, but unfortunately he had to leave the place before that. So it was sanctified by Param Pujya Bhagwant Sri Kanaksurishvarji of Kutch. Later on he also sanctified the idols of Sri Neminath Bhagwan and other idols in the basement

Unfortunately due to the massive earthquake in Kutch in Vikram year 2057, Magh SUkla 2, date 26th January 2001, the temple,. Dharamshala and bhojanshala got buried in the earth. But by God’s grace, the idols are safe and pujas are still continuing. The plan of renovation work has once again started. The trustees feel that it will be possible only if the Prashishyaratna of Param Pujya Acharya Bhagwant Sri Kanaksurishvarji, Acharya Bhagwant Sri Kalpurnasurishvarji visits this place. The chaturmas of Acharyaji in this year was in Phalodi (Raj). There is no other temple over here other than this.


The railway station is ½ Km away from the temple. Bhuj is 105 KMs and Lakadia is 7Kms away. Autos, taxis and other modes of transport are available.


Due to the recent earthquake, there are no facilities over here. But the planning for a dharamshala is going on.


Seth Vardhaman Anandji Pedhi Vallabhpuri
P.O. Katariya – 370 145,
Dist : Kutch , Gujarat.
Tel: 02837 – 73341 (Pedhi)
02832 – 51816 (P.P)
02832 – 52816 (Fax)

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