Jain Philosophy (2) 03 – Dharma and Its Significance

Everyone has his or her own individual meaning of what religion is. To some it represents good conduct and humanitarianism, to others, meditation and philosophy, yet to others it may be about ceremonies and rituals. These are all various aspects of religion; but as the theory of multiplicity of viewpoints states (Anekäntaväda), each aspect in itself cannot completely describe the whole and hence an individual aspect cannot be considered whole truth.

Bhagawän Mahävir, in response to a question asked by his chief disciple Gautam about religion, said:

“Inherent nature of a substance is the Dharma or religion of that substance”. For all living beings, the purity of soul is the essence of life.  Soul’s inherent qualities include infinite perception, infinite knowledge, infinite bliss and infinite energy. Any activity, which helps an individual to realize and then achieve these inherent qualities, is religion or Dharma. Therefore, to see, to know, and to realize the true nature of the soul is the religion.  While anything, which drifts away an individual from realizing and achieving the true nature is not a religion (Adharma). The etymological meaning of the word Dharma, the Sanskrit word for religion, explains this thought very well. Dharma is “that which holds from falling”. In other words, religion is what holds living beings from falling into a miserable state (from spiritual standpoint), and what lifts life spiritually higher.

Human beings have always been seeking answers to such questions as: Who am I? Where did I come from? Where will I go after death?  Who is God?  Who made this universe? What is my relationship with the universe?  What is my real nature?  The answers to these questions can be found through religion.

However, without personal experience, one will not find these answers. Therefore, we have to depend on those liberated souls or Tirthankars.  They have experienced the answers to these questions.

There are three ways to find answers to these questions: a) experience b) use of logic and c) Ägams (Canonical Books – collection of sermons). By one approach, the religion may be categorized in four parts: a) theology, b) metaphysics, c) ethics and d) rites & rituals.

  • Theology explains who I am.  What is our true nature? Who is God?
  • Metaphysics explains who I am not. What is the universe? What is non_living? What is the relationship between living and non_living?
  • Ethics explains how we live our life. What should be our daily conduct? What and how should we practice? How can we purify our conscious mind? How can I remove impurities from myself?
  • Rites and rituals involve praying, adoring, paying our respects to and worshipping the Tirthankars. The real purpose of the rites and rituals is to be inspired to become liberated free from attachments and aversions. The purpose of prayer is for this inspiration and not asking for material things.

According to Bhagawän Mahävir, religion from a realistic point of view consists of four parts:

  • Equality of all living beings
  • Every living soul has right to put forth self_effort to improve itself and not to be stripped of that right
  • Not to rule over other living beings including humans, animals and all forms of life
  • All views should be viewed with equanimity – without like or dislike.

Everyone has some concept about the best qualities that a human being should have. Each human being strives to exemplify these qualities.  For this purpose, an individual puts forth effort. Their effort to achieve these qualities is religion.

The best qualities are perfect perception, perfect knowledge, perfect character and conduct, and unlimited energy (Anant Darshan, Jnän, Chäritra and Virya). We are imperfect and we want to be perfect.  If we want to have the best qualities, we have to believe that they are achievable. The process to achieve these best qualities is religion.  Thus, religion is meant for purification of our consciousness and realization of our own nature.

How is it possible to practice the religion?  According to Bhagawän Mahävir: “Whatever you wish for yourself, wish the same for others”.  If we practice this simple message our lives will be very full filled.

The correct beliefs, knowledge, and conduct are the main modes for practicing religion. Rites and rituals have their place, but only if the main modes are the focus of our life. Beliefs and knowledge are like paint and a brush, while conduct is like a canvas. With the paint and the brush, but without a canvas, we cannot be artists.  Thus without proper conduct, we cannot realize the true nature of our soul.

It is important to have right faith (beliefs) and right knowledge. Without proper knowledge, we will not know what is right and what is wrong and we will be unable to practice the right religion.

Nevertheless, the knowledge itself is not an end.  It is the means by which we practice the true religion leading us to good conduct counts.  In our life, we should look at happiness and unhappiness with equanimity.  We should believe that there might be some truth however trivial in any statement. Even opposing views can be parts of one truth. Accept coexistence with others. Look at the good side of others.  Religion is for self_improvement. If each individual improves, the society, the nation, and the world will automatically improve.

Science and religion both search for truth.  Without experimentation and practice, truth cannot be achieved.  Science experiments and examines.  First, it proves something and then we trust. However, science has randomness, and the research is mostly driven by material objectives.  Science discovers temporary solutions for happiness and science can be expressed through language. 

In religion, on the other hand first we trust, then experiment.  After successful experimentation, we experience the truth. There is no compulsion in religion, and religion seeks permanent happiness.  Religion cannot entirely be expressed through written words. The search for the realistic religion should be the ultimate goal of science. Today, science and religion are complementary to each other, but someday, science and the religion will be one.

Einstein once said, “Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind.” Every scientist has to be spiritual in his work ethics to do the best research.   Einstein also believed in reincarnation.

Religion is for teaching the art of living.  Practice of the right beliefs, right knowledge and right conduct are the religion. Individual effort is the integral part of the Jain religion. We must have right knowledge to practice. Religion should be the integral part of daily life. Religion brings balance in our life. Religion is for enhancing the value of our life and bringing true happiness in life.




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