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Shri Shanthinath Bhagwan in pink color, seated in a lotus posture and of height 90Cms *Shve) and Shri Shanthinath Bhagwan in white color, seated in a lotus posture (Dig), both the shrines are located at Hastinapur.


History of this shrine commences with the history of Bhagwan Sri Adhinath. In scriptures, this place has been called by various names such as Gajpur, Hastinapur, Nagpur, Asandivat, Brahmasthal, Shanthinagar, Kunjarpur etc.,

Bhagwan Adhinath handed over to his son Bahubalji kingdom of Podanpur and Hastinapur. In Podanpur, bahubalji ruled himself while Hastinapur was rules by his son Somayash. Younger brother of Somayash named Shreyanshkumar had the good fortune to serve sugar-cane juice to Bhagwan Sri Adhinath here in Hastinapur, when he broke his fast. In commeration of the event, there is a reference that Sri Shreyanshkumar got constructed here a stupa studded with precious stones and enshrined here Bhagwan’s Foot-Prints. After Sri Adhinath Bhagwan, three other Tirthankaras viz Sri Shanthinath Bhagwan, Sri Kunthunath Bhagwan and Sri Arahanath Bhagwan had their four Kalnayaks viz, Chyavan, Janm, Diksha and Keval Gnan also happened here, in commemoration of which it is said three other stupas were also built. These ancient stupas and temples are at present non-existent because several times this city has seen the periods of both rise and fall. At various spots after excavations ancient relics are found which remind one of their antiquity. A king of Hastinapur, Raja Shivraj after conversion to Jainism took Diksha on being impressed by the religious discourses of Bhagwan Mahavir. As a memoriam therefore of Bhagwan, he had also got constructed here a stupa.

There are inscription suggesting that the grandson of Emperor Ashok Raja Samprati had also got built here a number of Jain temples. Acharya Sri Yakshadevsuriji in the year 386 B.C.., Acharya Sri Jinaprabhasurishvarji fro Delhi in the year 247 B.C.., Sri Ratnaprabhasuriji (4th) in 199 A.D., Acharya Sri kakkasuriji (4th) in 235 A.D. and many other scholarly Acharyas with their disciple saints had visited this place on Pilgrimage.

King Kumarpal after his quest of Kurudesh had come here of a pilgrimage. When in the year 1335, the author of “Vividh Tirthkalp” Acharya Sri Jinaprabhasuriji from Delhi visited this place in the company of a large number of followers, it is said that four temples one of each of Sri Shanthinath Bhagwan, Sri Kunthunath Bhagwan, Sri Arahanath Bhagwan and Sri Mallinath Bhagwan and one temple of goddess Sri Ambika existed here. At that time, Hastinapur was spread over the banks of Ganga. During 17th Vikram Century when Sri Vijaysagarji visited this place on a pilgrimage, it is said that there existed five stupas and there were five Jain idols. In Vikram year 1627, the Acharya of Khartar Gachchha Sri Jinachandrasuriji visited this place, and described the existing four stupas. Muni Sri Saubhagyavijayji had described these three stupas when he visited this place in the 18th Vikram century. There is a reference which mentions that since ages past, several scholarly Digamber Acharyas also have visited this place on a pilgrimage. This Swetamber Jain temple has only been recently renovated and in Vikram year 2021 on Magsar Sukla 10, its sanctification ceremony has taken place. Digamber Jain temple was similarly ceremoniously sanctified much earlier in Vikram year 1863.

Bhagwan Sri Adhinath, after his Diksha while wandering as a recluse without food and water for 400 days, visited this place on Vaishakh Sukla 3.At that time people turned out in thousands to have sight of him. Prince Shreyanshkumar, his great grandson seeing Bhagwan Adhinath was illuminated about his self and having known y intuition the ceremony for offering food to Jain saints attempted to persuade with devotion Bhagwan Adhinath to accept sugar-cane juice from his hands. Giving it the recognition as food came by a fulfillment of his “Abhigraha” Sri Adhinath broke his fast and accepted the juice. Gods I heaven began to beat drums and joy of the people knew no bounds. From that day, tradition of breaking yearly fasts (Varshitap) commenced. It is said that this day was named as “Akshaya Trutiya” (from Ikshu i.e. sugar) because Bhagwan broke his fast with Ikshu Ras, i.e. Sugarcane juice.

This holy land has had the good fortune of 12 Kalnayaks taking place, four each of Sri Shanthinath Bhagwan, Sri Kunthunath Bhagwan, and Sri Arahnath Bhagwan (conception, birth, initiation and Keval Gnan)

The erection of Samosaran for Bhagwan Sri Mallinath also had taken place here.

After hearing Bhagwan’s religious discourses six kings were accepted to be followers of Jainism. Sri Munisuvratswami, Sri Parshvanath Bhagwan and Sri Mahavir Bhagwan after giving religious discourse to the king named Swayambhu of this place had converted him to be a follower of Jainism. Later, after taking Diksha the king had become Sri Parshvanath’s chief disciple (first Gandhar).

Beginning with Sri Bharat Chakravarti, a total of 12 Charavarties came to be in existence of which six took their births on this land. Sri Parshuramji of the Ramayan period also was born here. During the period of Mahabharata, this city was the capital of both Pandavas and Kauravs. After Bhagwan Sri Mahavir, numberless scholarly Acharyas came here on a pilgrimage. Many congregation of Jains made this city their place of pilgrimage. In what words, therefore this city which has been sanctified by the feet of innumerable noble souls can be described? No sooner one reaches this holy land that one automatically gets reminded of kind and compassionate Tirthankaras Every year on Karthik Poornima, Falgun Poornima, and on Vaishakh Sukla Tritya, a fair is organized for and during eight days from Karthik Sukla Ashtami to Poornima, when thousands of devotees attend this shrine for prayers and worship.

Besides these temples, there is one more Digamber temple here, 2Kms from here at different spots four small shrines each of Swetamber’s and Digambers can be seen. In commemoration of the Kalnayaks of three Tirthankaras and of the occasion of the erection of Samosaran for Bhagwan Sri Mallinath, in Shvetamber small shrines the Swastiks have been enshrined. Here, in one Shvetamber ancient stupa, the foot-prints of Sri Adhinath Bhagwan indicated that, that spot was where he had broken his fast by accepting sugarcane juice. And for this very reason, the procession of Shvetamber which is taken out on the day of “Akshaya Trutiya” viz Vaishakh Sukla 3 is believed to come here. As the place is very ancient many idols of past age, coins, inscriptions on stone and rock etc., are found here during excavations. These idols are of great interest and beauty.


He nearest railway station of Meerut is 40Kms away where buses and taxis are available. From Delhi Hastinagar is 110 Kms away via Meerut. There is direct bus service from Delhi to Hastinagar. The bus stand is near the shrine. Cars and Buses can go right upto the temple.


For lodging there are Shvetamber and Digamber dharamshalas with totally 400 rooms and with all facilities including that of a bhojanshala.


Shri Hastinapur Jain Shvetamber Tirth Samiti, Shri Jain Shvetamber Mandir,
Post : Hastinapur – 250 404
Dist : Meerut , .(UP)
Tel : 01233-80140

Shri Digamber Jain Tirthkshetra Committee,
Post : Hastinapur – 250 404
Dist : Meerut , .(UP)
Tel : 01233-80133

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