Shri Parshwanath Bhagwan


National Highway no. 10, Post : Gummileru, District: East Godavari 533232, Andhra Pradesh

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How To Reach

Nearest railway station is Dwarpudi. Medapet is at 5 KM. Raulpalem is at 13 KM. Rajmahendri 40 KM. Vijaywada is 200 KM away. Public & private transport is available.

  • Trust Name

Shree Chintamani Parshvanath Jain Temple Teerth


Situated 10 km away from Nellore, on the Nellore – Chennai highway, this temple houses a 51 inches tall idol of Shree Mahavirswami Bhagwan.

Brief History

Unearthed while making a road about 30 years ago, this idol was installed in a small room. Later with the advent of pilgrims the need for a bigger premises was felt. Thus the ‘Jeernodhara’ was done. From many places nearby, ancient idols have been found.The idol of the ‘Moolnayak’ has lions on both sides, so archaeologists believe that it belongs to Emperor Ashoka’s period. The idol is so impressive that one virtually feels the presence of the Lord.


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