श्री दिगम्बर जैन धर्मं का यह क्षेत्र बहुत प्राचीन एवं महत्वपूर्ण क्षेत्र हैं यह क्षेत्र नासिक महानगर से ५ की मी. दुरी पर दिन्ढोरी रस्ते में ही लगता हैं एस क्षेत्र से सात बलभद्र एवं आठ करोड़ मुनि मोक्ष पधारे हैं जैन इतिहास के अनुसार शास्त्रों में नौ बलभद्र होते हैं जो की नियमानुसार मोक्ष जाते हैं पर काल दोष के अनुसार एस समय आठ ही मोक्ष पधारे हैं जिनमे से सात बलभद्र, यहाँ से मोक्ष पधारे हैं

Gajapantha Teerth includes a caravanserai, a small hut at the foot of the hill and a temple at the top of the Gajadhwaja Hillock. The famous CHAMBER CAVES are also at  this place. According to  the ancient holy book “Shantinath Purana” Mysore’s Chamaraj King installed  the statues of saints in the temple nearly in 600 B.C. Hence the caves got the name “Chamer Caves” or “Chambhar Caves”.  Main idol of this temple Lord Mahaveer in sitting posture (2.1 feet in hight) was installed in 1945. On left side of this idol is Lord Adinath in sitting posture (2.1 feet hight). Except thees two idols there are another 31 idols which made by metal.

Teerthraj Gajpantha is very auspicious for Jains. It is believed that seven Balbhadra (saints) of Jain Sect known as Vijay,  Achal,  Sudharma , Suprabh,  Nandi, Nandimitra and Sudarshan got salvation here. They   took along with them eight crores of Yadav Kings to salvation from his place. In the temple there are Shweta Charan of Sudarshan, Nandi and Nandimitra Balabhadras. Further down there are Shweta Charan of Suprab, Sudharma, Gajkumar, Achal and Vijay Balbhadra.

How to reach:

Train     Nashik Road -13km
Bus       Nashik Central bus stand -5km
Air        Pune International Airpot -250km.

Nearby Places:

Shri Mangitungiji Digambar Jain SiddhaKsetra,     Mangi Tungi
Anjaneri Digambar Jain Temples, Anjaneri (Ajneri)
Shri Kahnji Swami Smarak Trust, Deolali


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