Shri Parshwanath Bhagwan


Shrimali Vaga, Shamlaji ni Sheri, Dabhoi, District : Vadodara 391110, Gujarat

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How To Reach

Temple is about a 1KM from the bus stand. Dabhoi railway station is very close by. 32 KM away from Vadodara. Can be reached by autos & taxis.

  • Trust Name

Seth Devchand Dharamchand Pedhi


Temple was built by Raja VeerDhaval’s minister Tejpal. But later for a long time the temple remained submerged in ground water that had risen. In spite of this, the Idol made of Sand remained intact. Not even a scratch was found. It was as strong as Iron ( Lodhan) . Hence the name – Lodhan Parshwanath.

Brief History

A massive knowledge center dedicated to Mahopadhyaay Yashovijay ji Ma. sa. is found here. This is also his ‘Swargvas bhumi’.

Prathishtha Date


Jain Idol  :

Idol of Shri Lodhan Parshawanath Bhagwan having Shyam varn is present in Ardh Padmasanastha position. Said to be the same idol made and established in a temple by Shri Tejpal, the minister of king Veer Dhaval, while renovating the fort.

Jain God Desc :

Ancient teerth having renovated in VS 1990 for last.

Jain Teerth :

Present in Daboi nagar. As per the look of the moolnayak idol, this teerth is seems to be ancient one. This is the birthplace of Shri Munichandrasurishwarji, guru of Shri Vadidevsuriji, the famous writer of Jain Nyay Granth “Syadwad Ratnakar”. Tarkik shiromani Upadhyay Sri Yashovijayji Maharaji was expired at this holy place in VS 1743.

Speciality of Jain Teerth :

The sand made idol of Shri Parshwanath Bhagwan was recovered from deep water. Not even a single part of sand was detached from the idol. In spite it appeared as shape of lodha (grinding stone) after its recovery and hence is called as the idol of Lodhan Parshwanath Bhagwan. Specification is available about a temple of Shri Chandraprabh Bhagwan was constructed by Mantri Shri Paithad Shah during VNS 1789 (VS 1320). Shri Muni Chandrasurishwarji, the teacher (guru) of Jain Nyay granth (Syadvad Ratnakar) writer Shri Vadeedevsuriji was born at this holy place. Tarkik Shiromani Upadhyay Shri Yashovijayji Maharaj died here in VNS 2212 (VS 1743).

Managing Trust :

Shri Devchand Dharamchand Shwetambar Jain Pedhi

Management Details of Jain :

Shri Devchand Dharamchand Shwetambar Jain Pedhi; Jain Vaga; At & Post: Daboi; Dist.: Baroda; State: Gujarat. INDIA. Pin: 391 110. Telephone: (02663) 52313/ 52150/ 52218.

Geographical Details :  
Historical Details :

As per the make f idol and available specifications, this teerth place is ancient one. The idol is said to be the same that was established in the temple constructed while renovation of a fort by Mantri Shri Tejpal, a minister in the cabinet of King Dhaval. King Sagardutt has established this idol after its recovery from water in a temple constructed by him. Last renovation of this temple took place in VNS 2459 (VS 1990).

Management Dharamshala :

Dharamshala available. Bhojanshala facility between 8.30 am to 2.00 pm and 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm. Bhata available between 8.00 am to 11.00 am.

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