Shri Aadinath Bhagwan


Darbargadh, Nanavati Bazar, Bhavnagar -, Gujarat

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How To Reach

Bhavnagar is one of the major cities of Gujarat. well connected by Buses, Train & Air.

  • Trust Name

Shree Dosa Bhai Abhechand ni Pedhi


Bhavnagar has many ancient & Historic Temples. The Aadhishwar temple close to Darbar gadh is 350 years old. Dada Saheb Temple with Mahaveer swamy as Moolnayak is also very popular temple.

Brief History

Many temples here have been constructed during the times of Samprati Maharaj.

Prathishtha Date

350 years ago, savant – 1959.

Jain Idol  :

91 cms high blue coloured idol of Shri Navkhanda Parshwanath Bhagwan in Padmasan position is present im the temple.

Jain God Desc :

Established in VS 1168 by Acharya Shri Mahendrasurishwarji Maharaj, with the help of Shri Nanavati Shri Heeraseth.

Jain Teerth :

Teerth is present in Ghogha Bundar village. No markings are there on the moolnayak idol, but it is said that the idol was recovered from a well belonging to nearby Badava village. As per another myth, the idol was recovered along with many other idols from the well of stones from Peerampet. Acharya Mahendrasurishwarji has performed the Anjanshalaka of the moolnayak idol in VS 1168; the expenses were borne by Nanavati Shri Heeraseth. Shreshthi Shri Veera and Purna have established sangh of Shetrunjay and Girnar teerths in supervision of Acharya Shri Jinendrasurishwarji in VS 1430. Shri Jinodayasurishwarji has used worshipping words for the moolnayak Shri Navkhanda Parshwanath Bhagwan in his notice sent in VS 1431. This gives indications of the teerth to be established before twelth century.

Speciality of Jain Teerth :

As per the history available, the Muslim ruler and their soldiers damaged the moolnayak idol along with other temples and idols. Idol was broken into nine pieces. Jain shravaks kept these pieces in Lapsi, following orders from the Adhishthayak Dev in disguised, the idol again joined, but the markings remained on it. Since then this idol is called as Navkhanda Parshwanath Bhagwan. Akhand jyoti is still lighting since ancient period.

Managing Trust :

Seth Kala Meethani Pedhi

Management Details of Jain :  
Geographical Details :  
Historical Details :

No marking is present on the moolnayak idol, but it is said that it was recovered from a well belonging to nearby Badava village. As per another myth, the idol was recovered along with many other idols from the well of stones from Peerampet. Acharya Mahendrasurishwarji has performed the Anjanshalaka of the moolnayak idol in VS 1168; the expenses were borne by Nanavati Shri Heeraseth. Shreshthi Shri Veera and Purna have established sangh of Shetrunjay and Girnar teerths under the supervision of Acharya Shri Jinendrasurishwarji in VS 1430. Shri Jinodayasurishwarji has used worshipping words for the moolnayak Shri Navkhanda Parshwanath Bhagwan in his notice sent in VS 1431, giving indication of the teerth to be established before twelth century. But the moolnayak idol is much older than that.

Management Dharamshala :

Dharamshala is available with all necessary arrangements for the pilgrims.

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