Shri Mahavir Swami


Meghlava, Post : Bhandavpur, Vaya : sayla, District : Jalore 343002, Rajasthan

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How To Reach

The Nearest Station is Jalore Station, 50 Km away from Bhinmal Teerth. Buses, Auto, Taxis and private vehicles are available

  • Trust Name

Shree Mahavir Swetamber Pedhi

Jain Idol  :

Shri Mahaveer Bhagwan, appx 60 cms high idol is in Padmasan mudra of shwet varn.

Jain God Desc :


Jain Teerth :

This Bavanjinalay is pesent in the dense forest of Bhandavpur village, in which the attractive and said to be magical idol of Bhagwan Mahaveer is established. The temple of Shri Rajendra Surishwarji made on a Lotus flower is very attractive too. The prayer timing is between 7.30 am & 3.30 pm.

Speciality of Jain Teerth :

Being an ancient one this teerth place is also very magical. The Molnayak idol is full of magcal powers. It is said that the temple present at Veshala city in the olden days was heavily damaged following the attacks of exremists. Keeping to establish the idol in his village, Sanghavi Palji of Komata village ran away on his cart alongwith the Moolnayak idol. But the cart automatically stoped at Bhandvaji. Sanghvi palji got the indication of its establishment at Bhandvaji, he along with his family members built an temple and established the Moolnayak idol it it on Magh Shukla 5 of VS 1233. The heirs of Sanghvi Palji still offers Dhwaja on the temple every year. Still famous as magical place, many Jain’s and nin-Jainese visits this teerthplace. Mela (Huge gatherings) are organised during Chaitra Shukla 13 & Poornima and on Kartik Poornima.

Managing Trust :

Shri Mahaveer Shwetambar Pedhi

Management Details of Jain :

Shri Mahaveer Shwetambar Pedhi; At- Bhandavpur; Post- Meglava; Via- Sayla; Distt.: Jalor; State: Rajasthan. INDIA. Telephone: 02977- 53433.

Geographical Details :  
Historical Details :

It seems to be an ancient teerth place. The idol established on Margshirsh Shukla Saptami of VS 813 was re-established in the temple on Marrgshirsh Shukla 5 of VS 1233. A discription of its establishment on Poush Shukla 9 of VS 1340 is also found.

Management Dharamshala :

Huge dharamshala with modern facilities in mandir campous having 11 attched rooms & 100 general rooms. Bhojanshala is available with the timings of 10.00 am to 1.00 pm and 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm. Bhata is made available between 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.

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