Shri Mahavir Swami


District : Muzaffarpur 842001, Bihar

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Temple Info This place is know as the birth place of Bhagwaan Mahavir. BC 599 on ‘chaitra shukla trayodashi’ vardhamaan took birth to King Siddhartha and Queen Trishala here. In the year 1956, the then 1st President of India Dr. Rajendra Prasad visited this place to lay foundation stone for Mahavir Center for research of Jainism and it’s principles of Ahimsa and study of Prakrut Language. On the occassion of 2600 birth anivarsary of Mahavir, a grand ceremony was held here. Many development activities are planned here. A miraculous idol of Bhagwaan Mahavir found from the nearby Lake named “52 pokhar talab” has been installed here. Many non-jains also visit this place with lot of devotion. Google map shows Vaishali village. If someone knows the exact location of temple, please update.


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