A 6 feet high beautiful, artistic idol of lord Bahubali is installed here in 1156 AD, on the day of Vaishakh Shukla 10th by the motivation of an ascetic saint Shri 108 Shrut Sagarji Maharaj. This idol is full of miracles.
Approximately 250 years ago here lived an ascetic saint Shri Bahubali Maharaj, a great scholar of the science of spells. Due to the effect, any type of violent animals never harm to pilgrims. It seems that the name of this holy place named on the name of that great saint, to keep his memories long lasting.

How to reach:

Bus: Bus is for Bahubali from Hatkadngale, Jeeps/cars for Kumbhoj passes from Bahubali.
Railway Station: Kolhapur 30 KM, Hatkadngale 8 KM
Airport: nearby airport is Kolhapur, 30 KM in distance.

Nearby Places:

Kolhapur, Panhaka, Dharmanagar, Nodani.

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