86682_Sri Ayodhya Tirth (Dig)


Shri Ajithnath Bhagwan in copper color, seated in a lotus posture and of height 30 Cms (Shve) and Sri Adhishvar Bhagwan in a standing posture in white color and of height 885 Cms (Dig) both shrines located in the city of Ayodhya, situated in the banks of river Sarayu and river Gnaghara. (Shve temples is in Katra Mohalla and Dig temple in RaiganjMohalla)


Ancient names of this city were Ikshvaku Bhumi, Koshal, Koshala, Vinita, Avadhya, rampuri, Saketpuri etc., as variously describer in ancient books.

During the last years of the 3rd Ara of the present Avasarpini part of the cycle of Time, there were born seven Kulkars named Vimalvahan etc., the last of whom was Sri Nabhiraj (According to Digamber traditions, Nabhiraj was the 14th “Kulkar” who was also called Manu Nabhiraj).

Marudevi was the wife of Nabhiraj. During this period of time, only twins, one male and one female, used to be born and living together, they died also together. The form of approval or punishment for any social wrong i.e crime or good deed was more laudatory or condemnatory words spoken by the Society-at-large of Harkar, Makar and Dhikkar.

Mother Marudevi saw 14 dreams indicative of the bith of a Tirthankar during the night of Ashadh Krishna 4 the constellation ruling was Uttarashadha in Chnadra Yoga (Ascendency of the moon) (Digambers state the number ofdreams as 16). At that very moment the soul named Vajra completing his previous twelve incarnations entered the womb of Marudevi. When thereafter the pregnancy period was over, again during the ascendancy of moon in Uttarashadha constellation, she gave birth to twins, one a son with the sign of a bullock (Rishabh( and other a daughter on Chaitra Krishna Panchami. The son was named Rishabh and the daughter was named Sumangala. Gods in heaven led by their chief Indra and his wofe Indrani celebrated with great éclat andjoy this event of birth. When Bhagwan Rishabh became one year old, Saudharmendra had come to have a sight of him bringing “Ikshu-Yashti” i/e/ sugarcane juice at which Bhagwan has stretched his hand. It is believed that since then the dynasty of “Ikshavaku” commenced. It is also believed that since Bhagwan once broke his fast with “Ikshuras” (sugarcane juice) his cuccessors were also called as those of the Ikshu Dynasty.

During the reign of Kulkar Nabhiraj,someone young married couple leaving their newly born under a palm-tree wentinto a play house. At that time due to a heavy blow of wind a fruit of this palm-tree fell upon the male child which incidentally died leaving the female child alone. Later, when her parents died, this girl was moving about only by herself and as during that period all twins used to live and die together, such a sight surprised the people. The girl then was brought before Nabhiraj who directed that she will be wife of his son Rishabh.She was named Sunanda. It was thus that Rishabh Dev Bhagwan grew up from childhood together with his two companions Sumagala and Sunanda.

Od Saudharmendra persuaded Sri Rishabhdev to commence householder’s ethics by marrying Sumangala and Sunanda to which Bhagwan consented. This was the beginning of the system of marriage. In the course of centuries, bad vibrations of anger, jealousy, pride, greediness etc., went on increasing and therefore the policy of mere laudatory or condemnatory expressions of the society for good or bad deeds became useless and unfruitful. Disputes and quarrels among one another eventfully went beyond limits and to find a way out of such a situation, all approached Kulkar Nabhiraj who decided to appoint Sri Rishabhdev as a “king”.Bhagwan Rishabhdev thus became the first king during the Avasarpini part of the Cycle of Time. Bhagwan then framed the constitution for government. He divided the country into 52 Janapads (sections), the smaller units being named as Pur, Gram, Khet, Cityetc., At this time “Kalpavrakshas” disappeared totally. Bhagwan therefore gave the knowledge to people of six arts and crafts viz the welding ofa sword, art of makingpottery, art of agriculture, art of music, painting,dancing anddramatics, art of architecture,construction and sculpture,a nd the art of Commerce. Many castes and communities were formed. Males were taught 72 and females were taught 64 branches of learning. His daughter Brahmi was taught 18 scripts of language and his another daughter Sundari was taught all branches of Mathematics. Social customs, rules, regulations etc., for the governance of society commenced in this manner.

Once in spring season while indulging inplayful conduct with people and relations around him in the garden of joy, Bhagwan developed the feeling of detatchment from things of joyment. He there upon enthrusted the kingdom to his eldest son Bharat and his younger brothers and began giving charity all his belongings and other wealth. Inone year giving away three thousand eight hundred adneithy eith million gold coins, he renounced the worldly life by taking Diksha on Chaitra Krishna 8 during the rule of Uttarashadha constellation. Gods inheaven led by their chief Indra and the whole population celebrated this event of initiation with great éclat andjoy. Along with Bhagwan, kings such as Kutchcha, Mahakurchchha and others also took the Diksha. Several visits here then took place after the Diksha in the course of his wandering as a Jain saint and several times the Samosarans were also erected. (According to Digamber traditions, the Janm Kalynayak of Bhagwan took place hereon Chaitra Krishna Navami inUttarshadha constellation and Diksha took place at Puritmal i.e Prayag also on Chaitra Krishna Navami in the same constellation).

There is a reference about the fact of Emperor Bharat having directed the installation of the idols of 24 Tirthankars and “Stupas” inall the four cornersof this land. It is possible that many temples may have been built even thereafter. BhagwanMahavir too had visited this place of Piety. In the composition entitled “Vividh Tirthkalpas” by Acharya Sri Jinaprabhasurishvarji there is a mention of the Gate of Heaven existing on the banks of the river Sarayu and Ghaghara and also a Jain temple existing where in its niches idols of Chakeshvari Devi and guardian deity Gomukh were installed. Besides, it is further stated that there did exist here Sri Nabhiraj temple, Parshava-vatika and Sita Kund. Reference is also available to the effect that during 12th century, three idols from here were taken to Sherisa. In the present temples of Shve and Digs post- eleventh entury idols can be seen. Temples however appear renovated very often since then.

The three Kalnayaks of the First Tirthankar Sri Adhinath Bhagwan (Chyavan, Janm, Diksha and Keval Gnan) and thefour Kalnayaks which included the attainment of Keval Gnan of Bhagwan Sri Ajitnath, Sri Abhinandan, Sri SUmatinath and Sri Ananthnath had talen place on this land. King Bharat stationing here had conquered whole of Bharat and had established the soverign state of Bharat becoming the Emperor thereof. He had made Ayodhya his central capital and the country was named Bharatvarsh after him.

Bhagwan Mahavir and gautam Buddha had visited this place. The former also had given initiation to king Chittal at this place. Besides, the city has been the birth place of Sri Bahubalji, Brahmi, Sundari, Raja Harishchandra, King Dasharath, Sri Ramachandra etc., of the past and of Sri Achalbhrata the ninth disciple of Sri Bhagwan Mahavir. Acharya Sri Padaliptasurishvarji who lived in 13th century etc., thereafter. It is said that Sati Sita saved this city of Ayodhya from sinking in floods by living here anddue to the power of her pure character. Ramrajya of Ayodhya is very popular even today and it is during the period he ruled as king that the city and its subjects were extremely prosperous. Besides them, several kings, ministers and great souls lived here who by performing unforgettable deeds of valour and charity and humal welfare not only enhanced the glory and prestige of Jainism but also of the whole Bharatvarsh. Hindus have accepted Ayodhya as their place of pilgrimage also. The birth place spot of Sri Ramchandra and the palaces of Sati Sita are for all even at present. Places of great interest and attraction.

In spite of the place being so ancient, samples of ancient art are rare. In temples, the art is modern. Recently during excavations near the Katra school, an old damaged idol has been recovered andit si believed to represent the art of Mathura of the Maurya period. At present however except these two temples, there is one old Digamber temple and five small shrines (Tunks).


There are direct trains from Delhi,Ahemdabad and Lucknow. The shrine of Shravasti is around 110 Kms, Banaras 200Kms, Ratnapuri 24 Kms, Licknow 135 Kms and faizabad is 5Kms away. Katra Mohalla is 2Kms away from the Railway station of Ayodhya and Digamber temple of Raiganj is only 11/2 Kms away.Autos and Taxis are available at the station for transport . Buses and cars can go upto the temple doors.


In the courtyards of both the temples there exists Shwetamber and Digamber dharamshalas with all facilities including bhojanshala.


Shri Ayodhya and Sri Ratnapuri Jain Swetamber Tirth Trust.
Katra Mohalla, Post : Ayodhya – 224 123
Dist : Faizabad , (UP)
Tel : 05278-32113

Shri Digamber Jain Ayodhya Tirthkshetra Committee.
Raiganj Mohalla, Post : Ayodhya – 224 123
Dist : Faizabad : (UP)
Tel : 05278-32308

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