Shri Parshwanath Bhagwan

Address:Post: Ramnagar, District: Bareilly 243203, Uttar Pradesh

Nearest Railway Station:Visharatganj

Nearest Airport:Bareilly

Distance:62.7 km

How To Reach:Bareilly is at 50 KM. Direct trains connect Lucknow to Bareilly. From Bareilly one can reach Ramnagar via Bhamora – Amla. Public & private transport is available.

  • Trust Name:Shree Ahichchhatra Parshvanath Jain Shwetamber Mandir Pedhi

Importance:Situated in Ramnagar,of Bareily district, in Uttar Pradesh, this temple houses an idol of Shree Parshvanath Bhagwan.

Brief History:This 2800 year old Teerth is mentioned in the Shree Aayaranga Sutra, Shree Kalpa Sutra, Shree Trishishshtta Shalaka Charitra, Shree Parshva Charitra etc. along with the Shree Parshva Panchkalyanak Puja (penned by Shree Veervijayji Ma.Sa.) An orphan- Kamattha who became a monk, was dissuaded from practising the ‘Panchagni’ penance, by young prince Parshva Kumar. However he did not pay heed & a pair (couple) of snakes was severely burnt in the process. They were rescued by Parshva Kumar who sermonised the ‘Navkar Mantra’ to them, before their death. Annoyed, as his practise of penance was disturbed, Kamattha performed severe austerities & was reborn as ‘Meghamali’- The Lord of Rain. When Kamattha saw Parshva Prabhu meditating, he decided to take revenge by creating obstacles for Parshva Prabhu in the form of thunder, lightning, rain & storm for 3 days. At that time, the pair snakes (now Dharnendra & Padmavati) spread their 

Jain Idol  :

The then king of this state King Vasupal established the idol, after building the temple. It could be distinguished from the idol itself that it is an historical idol.

Jain God Desc :

This is an ancient temple. It is said to build up by King Vasupal. A huge gathering of the Jain followers is arranged on Chaitra Krishna Ashtami every

Jain Teerth :

The history of this teerth starts from the period of Yugadidev Shri Adinath Bhagwan. As per the Digambar sect of Jainism, it is the vihar (visiting) place of all the teerthankrs after Yugadidev Shri Adinath Bhagwan. This is said to known as Shankhavati, Ahichakra, Parichakra, Chhatravati and Ahikshetra as well in the past. Some time it was the wealthiest state, Vaibhav Nagari, having parameter of 50 kms consisting number of temples, big establishment and markets. Aanvala, Vajeerganj and Sampani Nagari villages were the part of this state. It was said to be the capitol of Shri Dronacharya, of Mahabharat. Beyond the period of Bhagwan Parshwanath, being the capitol state of Nag Raja�s this was a famous Jain state. During his Vihar, Bhagwan Parshwanath has visited this place. He uses to meditate in a forest during which Meghmali has created his upasarg (maya) to disturb his meditation. King Vasupal has built-up the temple of Bhagwan Parshwanath during his ruling. It is mentioned in �Kaivalaymala�-written by Acharya Shri Udyotansurishwarji that during the 6th century of Vikram, Guptavanshi king Harigupt took Deeksha. Chinese tourist Huyensang has visited this place in 639 AD and described this region as Ohichitalo. Describing Ahichhatra Hemchandrachary has mentioned it with the name of Pratyagrah also. In Vividh Teeth Kalp, Achary Shri Jinprabhusurishwarji has given a vast description of two temples of Bhagwan Parshwanath, the presence of the idol of the adhisthayika Devi of Bhagwan Neminath, Shri Ambadevi near the fort and about the forests & gardens consisting different types of medicated jadi-bootis. Many underground idols, Stoops & Stambh of the periods of Kushans & Gupts has been discovered, proving its importance during that period.

Speciality of Jain Teerth :  Being the Vihar bhoomi of yugadidev Bhagwan Adinath and the following teerthankars of his period and the capitol city of eleven Chakravarti Samrat, this is a prominent holy place in Jain dharm. The main attractive point for this place is been the meditation place of Bhagwan Parshwanath. He uses to meditate under a Vat tree. At the very same time, Vyantardev ( Meghmali- Kamath) was passing through this place by airway. After seeing Bhagwan in meditation, he regained the jealousness of last Bhav and started playing his maya. He produced heavy rainfall along with thundering and rain of ice & stones. The Cobra pair of last Bhav, whom Bhagwan has uttered the Sarv Vighnahari Navkar Mahamantr, due to the effect of which they have attained the life of Dharnendradev & Padmavati Devi in Swarg, immediately came to this place and created Fan-mandap over the head of Bhagwan Parshwanth and failed the upsarg ( maya) of Kamath. Having seen this situation, Kamath accepted his sin and bowed in front of Prabhu and begged for pardon.[ Digambars says that Bhagwan achieved Kevalgyan at the same moment while as per Shwetambars Prabhu achieved Kevalgyan in Banaras ( Varanasi)]. Due to the formation of huge Fan-mandap by Dharnendradev & Padmavati Devi, this place is known as Ahichhatra. Achary Patrakeshari has accepted Jainism along with his 500 followers here. The green idol of Tikhalvale Baba is also a point of attraction. It is said that the boundary-wall was built-up in a single night by some unseen power. These days also Baba fulfills the requirements of his followers. A well & a Bavdi also attract the visitors because of its Chamatkari water, use of which cures many diseases.
Management Details of Jain :

Shri Ahichhatra Parshwanath Atishay Teerth Kshetra Digambar Jain Mandir, Post- Ramnagar Fort, Tahsil- Aanvala, Disstt.- Bareli, State- Uttar Pradesh. INDIA. Pin- 243 303. Telephone- 05823- 36418.

Geographical Details :  
Historical Details :

The history of this teerth starts from the period of Yugadidev Shri Adinath Bhagwan. As per the Digambars, it is the vihar (visiting) place of all the teerthankrs after Yugadidev Shri Adinath Bhagwan. This is said to known as Shankhavati, Ahichakra, Parichakra, Chhatravati and Ahikshetra as well in the past. Some time it was the wealthiest state, Vaibhav Nagari, having parameter of 50 kms consisting number of temples, big establishment and markets. Aanvala, Vajeerganj and Sampani Nagari villages were the part of this state. It was said to be the capitol of Shri Dronacharya, of Mahabharat. Beyond the period of Bhagwan Parshwanath, being the capitol state of Nag Raja’s this was a famous Jain state. During his Vihar, Bhagwan Parshwanath has visited this place. He uses to meditate in a forest during which Meghmali has created his upasarg (maya’s) to disturb his meditation. King Vasupal has built-up the temple of Bhagwan Parshwanath during his ruling. It is mentioned in “Kaivalaymala”-written by Acharya Shri Udyotansurishwarji that during the 6th century of Vikram, Guptavanshi king Harigupt took Deeksha.. Chinese tourist Huyensang has visited this place in 639 AD and described this region as Ohichitalo. Describing Ahichhatra Hemchandrachary has mentioned it with the name of Pratyagrath also. In “Vividh Teeth Kalp”, Achary Shri Jinprabhusurishwarji has given a vast description of two temples of Bhagwan Parshwanath, the presence of the idol of the adhisthayika Devi of Bhagwan Neminath, Shri Ambadevi near the fort and about the forests & gardens consisting different types of medicated jadi-bootis. Many underground idols, Stoops & Stambh of the periods of Kushan & Gupt’s has been discovered, proving its importance during those periods.

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