Shri Shankeshwar Parshvanath Bhagwan in white color, seated in a lotus posture of height 1.80 meters, in a shrine in the village of Shankeshwar. (Shve).


This shrine is referred to by the name of Shankhpur in ancient books as well as in modern compositions. Being a worker of miracles, the village has been named Shankeshvar after the idol. According to old scriptures, a Jain householder named Ashadhi SHravak had got installed Jain idols at Charup, Stambhpur and Shankeshvar. There is a legend which relates that during the war between Sri Krishna and King Jarasand the latter threw “Jara” on the army of the former and at that time only when abhishekh water of the idol was sprinkled on Sri Krishna’s army, that the affliction had disappeared. The history of the idol of Sri Shankeshvar Parshvaprabhu is both ancient and inspiring.

The chief minister of King Siddharaj Jaisinh, Sri Sajjanshah ceremonially resurrected this shrine in Vikram year 1155 in the presence of great Acharyas Sri Devchandrasurishvarji who was the Guru of Kalikal Sarvagna Sri Hemchandracharya. At that time this place was prosperous and affluent as is stated in several old scriptures.

Ministers Vastupal and Tejpal on hearing about the glory and significance of this shrine from Acharya Sri Vardhamansuri carried out necessary renovations thereon and it is stated further that they installed golden pots on the domes of all 52 surrounding small single room shrines of this temple. This may have happened in the year about 1286 of Vikram era. It is possible that thereafter during battles between kings to bring about the change in kingship, this shrine may have suffered considerable damage whereupon the king of Zinzuwada Raja Durjanshalya again got the repairs and renovations carried out in Vikram year 1302. During 14th century when the army hordes of Allauddin Khilji inflicted heavy damage upon this shrine the idol of Sri Shankeshvar Prabhu was securely preserved under Jain Sangh’s great protections. In year 1656, king Shahjehan issued two proclamations concerning Shankeshwar village and addressed them to the Nagarseth of Ahemdabad Sri Shantidasji. These are famous as two royal proclamations.

A reference is available, that during the period renovations and ceremonial consecration of the shrine was held at the instance of Jain householder Manahi, a resident of Gandhar as a result of advice of Sri Vijaysensurihi. A further reference states that in Vikram year 1760,again renovations were carried out and the temple ceremonially sanctified at the hands of Sri Vijayratnasurishvarji the chief disciple of Sri Acharya Vijayprabhsurishvarji.All these make it abundantly evident that this shrine is an ancient one and its popularity has never waned.

Besides what has happened in the past as stated earlier, miracles happen even at present. Thousands of devotees visit the shrine and get their wishes fulfilled. This is the place where Shankeshvar Gachchha was founded. Every year of Kartik Poornima, Chaitra Poornima and Paush Krishna 10, popular fairs are held here when countless devotees gather for worship and prayers. They remain so much absorbed in the activities of worship and prayers that the scene of the entire area of the town becomes worth seeing as of extreme interest. Adjacent to this temple there are visible relics of an old temple. Besides this there is one more Agam temple, 108 Parshvanath temple, Padmavati Mata temple and Guru mandir.

The idol of the Lord is both beautiful and impressive. In the middle of an expansive and large enclosed compound this temple with 52 surroundings small single room shrines and high celestial dome appears soul capturing where one often hears ringing sound of small bells due to continuous blowing of cool breeze in the atmosphere.


The nearby railway stations are Jarij about 38 Kms, Viramgam about 72 Kms, Mehsana 95 Kms and Ahemdabad 120 Kms from where buses and taxis are available. Nearby big and large town is Panchasar which is 8 Km away. Badgam is 18 Kms away. There is a tar road right upto the temple doors. Buses are available every half an hour at Ahemdabad to come to this place.


There are six dharamshalas for lodging with all facilities and a bhojanshala for meals.


Sheth Jivandas Godidas Shankeshvar Parshvanath Jain Derasar Trust
P.O. Sankeshvar – 384 246

Dist : Patan , Gujarat.
Tel: 02733 – 73514.

50875_Sri Sankheshwar Tirth


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