Shri Shamalia Parshvanath Bhagwan seated in a lotus posture, in black color and of height about 90Cms (Lake-temple) in a shrine near Madhuban on Mount Sametshikar 4479 feet above sea-level. This place is also called Mount Parshvanath (Shve)
This supreme shrine was also known in the past as Sametshail. Sametachal, Sametgiri, Sanadhigiri,Samidigiri etc. At present the place is known as Sametshikar and Mount Parshavanth.
Several Tirthankars of earlier sets of twenty four tirthankars have attained “Moksha” in this holy place. Even of the present set of twenty four Tirthankars, twenty Tirthankars together with their numerous saint disciples have attained “Moksha” in this most sacred of all places after practicing intense penance. Tradition has it that Sri Saudharmenra himself (Lord of Indras) installed idols at the respective spots where Tirthankars attained Moksha.
There is no historical record of the period earlier that that of the first century A.D. while a reference is found that the Sri Acharaya “Vidyasidh” Padaliptasuriji used to visit this place as on a pilgrimage using his yogic powers of flying in space after the 1st century A.D. In ‘ Updeshsaptahika’ a Jain composition, there is a mention that he used to fly daily to Sametshikar along with other holy places of Abu, Shatrunjay, Girnar and Ashtapad in Mount Kailash, Himalayas for pilgrimage by applying Lepa of ointment on his feet in accordance with Akash Ganmini Vidhya ( the science of flying in the sky. His name “Padalipta” itself is indicative( unusual coincidence) of his feet anointed with a paste. In the same way, another of the Sri Acharya Bappathattsuriji also used to visit this place for pilgrimage using similar powers.
During 9th vikram century Acharya Sri Pradyumna Suriji visited this place seven times as on a pilgrimage and got substantial repairs carried out to the temple after a good deal if preaching.
A mention is made in “Vandaruvriti” composed by Acharya Sri Devendrasuriji in 13th Vikram century, of the temples and the idols of this place.
In Kumbharia temples, in one of the stone inscriptions, there is a mention of an installation ceremony performed in this temple at the hands of Acharya Sri paramanandsuriji inVikram Samvat 1345 at the instance of Sri Sharandev’s son Virchand who visited the temple in the company of his brothers, sons, grandsons and their respective families. A mention is also made in the composition of “Yashodharcharit” by Bhattarak Jnanakirtiji in Vikram Samvat 1659 of Nanu, secretary of Maharaj Manasinhji of Akbarpur near Champanagiri having built temples here.
During Vikram samvat, 1670 sri Kunvarpal and Sonpal Lodha, Oswal businessmen fom Agra visited this place for pilgrimage together with members of their families and friends when repair works to several temples were carried out, there is a reference to this fact in a composition entitled “Sametshikhar Raas” by Sri Jaykirtiji. There after numerous Acharyas with groups of saints under them and countless Shravak-Sharavika householders have come to this place on pilgrimages.
Several saints have compised “Samet Shikar” Tirthmala, jain Tirthmala, Purva Desh Tirthmala, etc., and have written tracts which reminds us of its glories of the past centuries.
During Vikram Samvat 1649 king Akbar issued a proclamation presenting this mount of Samet SHikar to Jagat Guru Acharya Sri Hirvijaysuriji. It is told that the original documentation is in the sage custody with Sheth ANandjiKalyanji of Ahemdabad which represents Shvetambar Jain Shree Sangh.
During the years of Vikram samvat 1747 to 1763 Sri Saubhagya Vijayji, Sri Jaivijay Sagarji, Sri HansSomvijayji, Sri Vijaysagarji and other saints have composed Tirmalas which also give detailed description of this holy place.
Up to samvat year 1770, there were three accesses to Mount Sametshikahar, Pilgrims from west used to come via Patna, Navada and Khadagdiha, those from South-east used to come via Manpur, Jaipur, Navagadh and Palganj and the rest used to come via Madhuban.
While describing their pilgrimages, Sri Jayvijayji during 17th century and Sri Vijaysagarji during 18th century have stated that the local men folk here wear only a langoti and do not cover their heads with any cloth. They have curled hair. Womenfolk generally are ugly and frightening. They do not have any tradition to wear head dress, not do their put on brassiers or blouses. These latter words connote only an abuse. These women feel very much surprised when they see women with a head dress or wearing a brassiere and a blouse. Bhils are found here moving about with their bows and arrows. In the forest here are seen fruits, flowers, medicinal plants, wild animals roaming about and countless flowing water-springs.
In some Tirthmalas, it is stated that in the village of Zaria the ruling king is Raghunathsinh whose chief minister is Somdas. A pilgrim tax of eight annas per head from all pilgrims is being collected. In another, narration it is stated that the king of Kartras Sri Krishnasinh also collects a similar tax. The climb to the mountain begins after about four miles’ distance from the village of Raghunathpur.
It is also said that once Palganj was the base of this Mount and the pilgrims were required to go to Palganj, meet its king there for permission to climb and the kings’ men accompanied pilgrims for a visit to the temple on the top. No proper information is at present available as to the conditions prevailing on hills then.
InVikram Samvat 1805 it is recorded that Badshah Ahmadshahof Delhi, who was pleased by the activities of Sheth Mahatab Rai of Murshidabad, bestowed upon him the title of Jagat Sheth and it is further recorded that in year 1809 the Badshah gave to him as a gift his Madhuban properties. Jaiparnala, jalahari kund, 301 Vighas of land at the base level of Parshavanth Mount and the whole of Parshavanath Mount itself. In year 1812 Badshah Abu Alikhan bahadur declared Palganj-Parshvanath Mount as fully toll free.
It was earnestly desired by Jagat Sheth that temples on the holy place of Sametshikhar needed renovation and heavy repairs and right at that time Sri Devvijayji of Tapa-Gachcha arrived at Samet-Shikhar on a pilgrimage. Jagat Sheth taking advantage of this presence immediately resolved after consulting all of his sevens ons and their families to carry out this massive work of renovation and repairs and entrusted the full responsibility for it to his 4th Son Sri Sugalchand jointly with Sri Mulchandji who was chief executive of his Jaisalmer office. After a short while when jagat Sheth Sri mahatabrai died, the Badshah honored eldest son Sri Khushalchad with the title of Jagat Sheth in year 1822.
While renovation and repair work was being carried out, Sri Khushalchand was diligently looking for exact spots on which each of the 20 Tirthankars had attained salvation so as to erect there upon appropriate structures and signs of identity. He had undertaken several trips on elephant from Murshidabad for this purpose but to no avail. It appears therefore that the ancient temples and shrines in the course of time may have changed places or even been destroyed altogether.
Inspired by devvijayji, jagat Sheth by practicing Attham Tama invoked the blessing of Sri Padmavati devi who appearing to him in his dreams directed that wherever on the Mount Swastiks saffron was seen, those were the spots from where the Tirthankars attained Moksha and at those spots appropriate stupas, foot-prints, shrine etc., were to be designed and constructed.devi also directed that the number of swastiks would correspond to that particular Tirthankar in the chronological order. In this manner by divine guidance and power, 20 spots were decided upon where the stupas, shrines, foot-prints blocks etc were designed and constructed. There is a record that it was ceremonially consecrated at the benign hands of Sri Bhattarak Acharya Sri Dharma Suriji of Tapa Gachchha on the Vasant Panchami day i.e., maha Sukla Panchami on Vikram Samvat 1825. On the block of foot-prints is at present found. The name of Sri Khushalchand of virani gotra. It is possible that on completion of the renovation and repair work by Jagat Sheth, in the satisfaction ceremonies. Sri Khushalchand may have actually participated or jagat Seth himself would have been of Virani Gotra.
At that time Mount Lake Temple, seven temples in Madhuban , a dharmashala, the temple of the tutelary guardian deity of the mountain Sri Bhomiaji etc., were designed and constructed. It is recorded that the ceremonies of sanctification for there temples were also performed during the same Muhurut.
The administration of there temples etc., was entrusted to Sri Swetambar Jain Sangh and in this way all the wishes of Jagat Sheth Sri Mahatabraiji were fulfilled. This monumental work of Jagat Sheth will forever be remembered by Jain society. It was believed that this was the twenty-first renovation and repairs carried out on these temples. Thereafter many Jain pilgrim groups both large and small started coming to this mount. The stupas, pillars, temples and other commemorative structures remaining in the open sky and often beaten by weather storms, sun heat in the course of time required once again big repairs and renovation and therefore during Vikram years 1925 and 1933 after they were carried out, further satisfaction ceremonies were performed by the benign hands of Sri Jinashantisagarsuriji of Vijay Gachchha and Sri Jinahanssuriji and Sri Jinchandrasuriji of Khartar Gachchha. This was the 22nd renovation and at this time new small temples of Adinath Bhagwan , Vasupujya Bhagwan, Neminath Bhagwan, Mahavir Bhagwan, Eternal Jineshwar Rishabhanana, Chandranana, Varishena and Vardhaman were constructed. In Madhuban also many small shrines were built.
This mount was given to Jagat Sheth as a gift and yet because of the neglect in some quarters it later became the property of the king of Palganj. During the years 1905 and 1910 this king was in need of money andhe thought of selling or mortgaging it to raise necessary funds. Rai Bahadur Sheth Shri Badridasji, Jewellers of Calcutta and Maharaj Bahadur Sinhji Dugad of Murshidabad having come to know of this intention of the king of Palganj encouraged Sheth Sri Anandji Kalyanji Pedhi of Ahemdabad to buy over the mount and to that end promised to co-operate in a substantial way. The Pedhi thereafter having inspection of the title documents including original proclamation felt it appropriate to buy the mount and arranged for the purchase on the 9th of March 1918 at the price of Rs. Two Lakhs and Forty Two Thousand. The sum was paid to the king and then it once again belonged to the Jain Swetambar Shree Sangh. In this whole transaction co-operation of these gentlemen was praise worthy and it can be asserted that the transaction became successful only due to the encouragement and co-operation received from them.
In the year of Vikram Samvat 1980, Agamodhdharak Revered Acharya Sri Sagaranandsuriji came here on a pilgrimage and he desired the renovation of these temples once again and due to the efforts of the learned Balbrahmacharini Sadhviji Sri Ranjansriji and Sadhviji Sri Suprabhashriji of his group the renovation having commenced in vikram year 2012 were duly completed in the year 2017. This was the 23rd renovation.
As stated earlier, this is the place which is hallowed and become most sacred because in the previous cycles of time, numberless Tirthankars have attained Moksha here and even of the present cycle time, 20 of the 24 Tirthankars have attained Moksha here. Rest of the 4 Tirthankars attained Moksha elsewhere i.e., Sri Rishabhnath at Astapadh known as Mount Kilash, Sri vasupujyaji at Champapuri, Sri Neminath at Mount Girnar, and Sri Mahavir at Pavapuri. Besides, countless Acharayas and holy men have treaded upon this soil from times immemorial charging the whole atmosphere, the plants, trees, water, and particles of stone and soil with living vibrations of such utmost purity that mere entry therein immerses every one in the reflections of Supreme Divine, washing away all worldly thoughts and giving a lifetime experience of perfect esctasy.
A day at Sametshikhar :
It is advisable to start going up the mount in early morning between hours 4.30 a.m and 5.00a.m. A walking stick will be very useful. Those who cannot remain hungry for long should also carry something to eat and drink because return at the base may not be possible till about 4.00 p.m.
A few steps ahead of Sri Bhomiaji’s temple, the actual climb up begins. A total walk of almost 18 miles should be remembered – 6 miles of the climb upwards, 6miles almost level walking and 6 miles to come down. It is recommended that the blessings of Sri Bhomiaji be first obtained before commencing the pilgrimage of visiting that temple and making an offering of your pride and arrogance best symbolized by a coconut as Sri Bhomiaji is there in the entire atmosphere ever present with his powers to work miracles. Devotees who are armoured with faith get all their wishes fulfilled here on the mounts sacred soil. Two miles away from Sri Bhomiaji’s temple is a water spring called Gandharvanala where fresh, delicious and healthy water flows freely always day and night and the spot is extremely beautiful. Nearby is Swetamber Dharamshala where hot water and drinking water facilities are provided. The devotees on return from the pilgrimage are given free snacks by the management. A further few steps from here there are two paths, one on the Left leads to Lake- temple via Shri Gautamswamiji’s shrine and one on the right leads to Sri Parshvanath’s shrine via the dark bungalow. Both these paths are equally long and difficult to climb and therefore it is recommended that while going up, the path of Lake temple and while coming down the path of Sri Parshavanath’s shrine would be convenient.
Half a mile along the path of Lake-temple, you are greeted by centuries old soft murmuring musical notes of water spring called Sita-nala. A little further the climb is hard but is made easier by about 500steps. Two and a half miles still further, opens up a vista before your eyes which enables you to have sight of the shrines, stupas, structures, foot-print blocks on the spots where Tirthankars attained Moksha, some of them on the plots of even land and some onsmall but rugged hillocks.
The first shrine you come across is of the first Ganadhar Sri Gautamswamiji, main disciple of Lord Sri Mahavir . His actual spot of salvation is Gunaya, Rajgruhi but for the benefits of the devotees, his foot-prints are installed here. It is believed that the devotees get all their wishes fulfilled merely at the remembrance of Sri Gautamswamiji’s name.
Next comes the 2nd shrine of the present 17th Tirthankar Sri Kunthunath Bhagwan who attained Moksha on this spot with his one thousand saint disciples on the 1st day of the month of Vaishakh.
The 3rd shrine is of the eternal jineshwara Sri. Rishabanan, The fourth is of the eternal Jineshwar Sri. Chandranan and the fifth is of the present 21st Tirthankar Sri. Neminath Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with his 536 saint disciples on Vaishak Krishna Dasmi.
The 6th Shrine is of the present 18th Tirthankar Sri. Aranath Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with his 1000 saint disciples on Magsar Shukla Dasmi.
The 7th Shrine is of the present 19th Tirthankar Sri. Mallinath Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 500 saint disciples on Falgun Shukla 12.
The 8th Shrine is of the present 11th Tirthankar Sri. Shreyansh nath Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 1000 saint disciples on Shravan Krishna 3.
The 9th Shrine is of the present 9th Tirthankar Sri. Suvidhnath Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 1000 saint disciples on Bhadrapad Shukla Navmi.
The 10th Shrine is of the present 6th Tirthankar Sri. Padam prabhu Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 3000 saint disciples on Magsar Krishna 11.
The 11th Shrine is of the present 20th Tirthankar Sri. Munisuvrat Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 1000 saint disciples on Jyestha Krishna Navmi.
From here a more difficult and steep climb begins and you arrive at the 12th Shrine which is of the present 8th Tirthankar Sri. Chandra Prabhu Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 1000 saint disciples on Bhadrapad Krishna Saptami.
The 13th Shrine is of the present 1st Tirthankar Sri. Adhinath Bhagwan who is also know as Sri. Rishab Dev bhagwan whose actual spot of moksha is at Ashtapad Mountain known other wise as mount Kailash in the Himalayas and whose foot prints only are installed here for the benefit of devotees.
The 14th Shrine is of the present 14th Tirthankar Sri. Ananthnath Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 700 saint disciples on Chaitra Shukla Panchami.
The 15th Shrine is of the present 10th Tirthankar Sri. Sheetalnath Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 1000 saint disciples on Vaishak Krishna 2.
The 16th Shrine is of the present 3rd Tirthankar Sri. Sambhavnath Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 1000 saint disciples on Chaitra Shukla Panchami.
The 17th Shrine is of the present 12th Tirthankar Sri. Vasupujya Bhagwan who actual spot of moksha is at champa puri and whose foot prints only are installed here for the benefit of devotees.
The 18th Shrine is of the present 4th Tirthankar Sri. Abhinandan Swami Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 1000 saint disciples on Vaishak Shukla Ashtami.
Now you have arrived at the 19th Shrine the main one known as the Lake-Temple where the presiding deity is Sri. Shamalia Parashvnath Bhagwan. How beautiful is the idol ? Amidst green vegetation on such high mountain how elevating and magnificent the whole temple with its gorgeous Shikar appears as if the same has been a creation of gods from heaven.
Best arrangements are available here for bathing and cleaning, even washing clothes and off offering prayers with all rituals and rites. There are two water storing tanks near the temple and howsoever much water may be used there of, there is a perennial flow of water which never appears to be reduced. The small swetamber dharmashala’s are allocated here for rest and after offering prayers and having a hearty lunch of what ever you may have carried so far, you are extremely happy to proceed further on the holi adventure.
A little away is the 20th Shrine of Sri. Subh Ganadhar swami and next is the 21st Shrine of the present 15th Tirthankar Sri. Dharmnath Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 100 saint disciples on Jyest Shukla Panchmi.
The 22nd Shrine is of the eternal Jineshwar Varishena.
The 23rd Shrine is similarly is of the eternal Jineshwar Vardhman.
The 24th Shrine is of the present 5th Tirthankar Sri. Sumthinath Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 1000 saint disciples on Chaitra Shukla Navmi.
The 25th Shrine is of the present 16th Tirthankar Sri. Shantinath Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 900 saint disciples on Jyest Krishna 13.
The 26th Shrine is of the present Last Tirthankar Sri. Mahaveer Bhagwan whose actual spot of moksha is at Pavapuri and whose foot prints only are installed here for the benefit of devotees.
The 27th Shrine is of the present 7th Tirthankar Sri. Suparshvnath Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 500 saint disciples on Falgun Krishna Saptami.
The 28th Shrine is of the present 13th Tirthankar Sri. Vimalnath Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 600 saint disciples on Ashadh Krishna Saptami.
The 29th Shrine is of the present 2nd Tirthankar Sri. Ajitnath Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 1000 saint disciples on Chaitra Shukla Panchmi.
The 30th Shrine is of the present 22nd Tirthankar Sri. Neminath Bhagwan whose actual spot of moksha is on mount Girnar, Saurastra – Gujarat and whose foot prints only are installed here for the benefit of devotees.
From here the shrine you further see is the last and the highest one of your pilgrimage, the 31st Shrine which is of the present 23rd Tirthankar Sri. Parshvnath Bhagwan who attained moksha on this spot with 33 saint disciples on Shravan Shukla Ashtami. This is the highest point of the mountain which on a clear sky, is seen from a distance of 30-40 miles and where a two storied temple with the traditional jain shikar has been constructed. Common men call this temple also by name of Meghadambar Shrine and this mount as Parasnath hills and in government documents etc., also, the mount has been referred to as such.
A panorama on a grand scale of extremely eye pleasing scenery is observed from the top here. One feel as if one has been lifted to heaven and is engaged in lively conversation there, of great interest. Here you delight fully experience grey but large clouds embracing the mountains virgin earth and joyfully bursting themselves in tears of rain. It is said that the area is full of miraculously healing and health giving vegetation.
Conscious of the knowledge that on this mount several past Tirthankars of previous sets in several past cycles of time had attained salvation, Lord Parshvnath Bhagwan frequently visited this holy mount surcharged with spiritual vibration and practiced meditation. Wandering among the people residing here, he delivered sermons and taught religion.
Even today, the people visible show affection, reverence and devotion to Lord Parshavanath in this area. They remember him and call him Parasnath Mahadev, Parasnath Baba etc., and both Jain and Non Jains gather in huge number in an annual festival on Posh Krishna Dasmi which is Lord Parshvanath’s birth anniversary.
With respectful obeisance do all the Tirthankars and their saint disciples from here you proceed to return to Madhuban and at little distance there is a dak bungalow at the right side of which is the path to Nimiaghat. On the left side is the way going to Madhuban. While coming to madhuban , you once again visit Sri. Bhomiaji’s Temple have rest and enjoy the free snacks and fresh, delicious, invigorating water in the dharamshala. By the time you return to your place of rest you have walked almost 18miles, are well tired and it is almost 3-4’o clock in the afternoon. With in coming nights rest, you day in Samet Shikar is completed and the next day morning you have once again fresh and strong as before.
Every year on Posh Krishna Ten on Phalgun Shukla Poornima (Holi) Popular festivals are held here when both Jain and Non-Jains in large numbers congregate and get themselves fully interested in the activities of the devotion offered to Tirthankars.
Natural scenery on the mountain has described but from the mountain top the view of the clusters of temples in Madhuban is both breathless and enthralling. You feel you are looking at the divine city of gods which from heaven high above has descended below. The style of architecture is magnificent .
All the shrines and temples and other structure on the mountain have been already fully, described earlier. Besides these, in Madhuban there are eight swethamber temples, two dadawadis’s and one temple of Sri. Bhomiyaji. Also there are eight temples in Digamber Visapanthis Kothi and Nine temples in Digamber Terapanthis Kothi. There are seprate administrative office of both Digamber Visapanthi and Digamber Terpanthi.
Nearest railway station to Madhuban are Giridih which is about 25km and Parshvnath station which is about 15km from where buses and taxis to Madhuban are available. Buses cars and taxi’s care ply right upto the Dharmshala in Madhuban. The mount trip from Madhuban has to be on foot but chair-carries are available, who lift and carry you seated in comfortable on appropriate payment. Both in Giridih and Parashvnath , near the railway station Swetamber Jain Dharmshala are located with all facilities.
For lodging, there are Dharmsahalas in Madhuban both for Digamber and Swetambers where water, electricity, cooking pots, mattress, pillows, blankets etc., are supplied. In Swetamber Dharmashala there is an added amenity of Bhojanshala (Dining Hall) where meals are available during prescribed hours. On the mountain, there is only water arrangements available to enable you clean and have a bath before offering prayers and performing pooja.
Managed By :
Shri Jain Swetamber Society
P.O Shikarji – 825 329.
Dist : Giridih. (Bihar)
Tel : 06532- 32226, 32224, 32260.