Shri Shanthinath Bhagwan in white color, seated in a lotus posture, of height 78 Cms in a shrine on a hill at the height of 1 ½ Km from the base level of Idar fort which is 1 Km from the town of Idar. The hill is surrounded by several hillocks full of wild green vegetation extremely beautiful to look at and pleasing to the mind. (Shve).


Once this hilly area was known as Illaspadra, Illadurg, Iyadar etc., Sri Samprati raja, 285 years after the Nirvana of Bhagwan Sri Mahavir got here ceremonially installed the idol of Sri Shanthinath Bhagwan, this reference is available in ancient scriptures. In the composition entitled “Tirthmala” of Acharya Sri Jinpatisurishvarji during the period of Sri Kumarpal raja, it is stated that Chalukya dynasty king Sri Kumarpal built this temple and got the idol of Sri Adishvar Bhagwan ceremonially installed. In a laudatory song “Idar na Rishabhdev Stavan”, Acharya Sri Munisundersurishvarji has stated that repairs and renovations were carried out by Sri Govind Shreshthi of the temple built by Sri Kumarpal. Thereafter in “Illa-Prakar”, a note of temple record, composed by Sri ANant Hansji, a disciple of Sri Hemvimalsuriji it is stated that renovations were carried out on this temple by Sri Champak Shreshthi.

A reference is available about the ceremonial installation of a new idol of Sri Adhishvar Bhagwan by Acharya Sri Vijaydevsurishvarji in Vikram year of about 1681. From all this, it is evident that king Kumarpal had got many ancient shrines and temples repaired and accordingly may have got this temple, built by Samprati Raja, also renovated and thereafter from time to time several renovations must have been carried out as and when necessary. After 17th Vikram century, the temple was once again renovated by the Jain community householders at that time the idol of Sri Shanthinath Bhagwan was ceremonially installed and consecrated. The last renovations were carried out in Vikram year 1970 when sanctification and installation ceremonies were performed by the hands of Acharya Sri Labdhishurishvarji. The history of the town of Idar is an ancient one. From records and available ancient relics it is found that at one time in the past this was as affluent and prosperous large city where thousands of rich Jain householder families had lived.

This place is more significant because of its association with many learned Acharyas and magnanimous Jain householders. It has been also their place of birth. Acharya Sri Anandvimal-surishvarji was born here in Vikram year 1547. And so was Sri Vijaydevsurishvarji in Vikram year 1656. Many Acharya Bhagwants living here had composed and written books of permanent value. There is one Granth Bhandar wherein many handwritten old Granth are preserved, one 700 years old Kalpasutra is also there.

Honored by the state of Sri Govind Shreshthi, Sripal and Shajpal Kothari, Shreshthi Vishal, Shahjushah, Ishvar Soni and many others like Shreshthis lived here who performed countless deeds of general human welfare and of glorification of Jain religion and this became immortal. Every year on Karthik and chaitri Poornima days, fairs are held here.

Besides these, there is one Digamber Jain temple on the hills, In Idar town there are five Swetamber temples and three Digamber Temples. Two Kms far from the town on a small rocky hill there is Srimad Rajchandra Vihar where there is a small temple for contemplation and meditation (Swadhyay Mandir). On another hill nearby there is a single room shrine of Sri Chandraprabh Bhagwan.

The ancient art of this place lies concealed in the ruins which only some time comes to light. A few steps away from the temple, there is seen another temple known as “Ranmul-ni-Chowk” which is lying in ruins. There is no idol and yet some glimpses of ancient art are available there.


The railway station of Idar is on Ahemdabad-Khedarbrahma rail route. There are 600 steps. Taxis and horse driven vehicles are available for transport. Cars can go upto the base of the Idar fort. Khedbrahma is 20 Kms, Kumbhariaji 65 Kms and Ahemdabad is 100 Kms away from this shrine.


There is a dharamshala with all facilities and a bhojanshala both in Idar town as well as on the hills.


Seth Anandji Mangalji Ni Pedhi
P.O. Idar – 383 430
Dist : Sabarkantha, Gujarat.
Tel: 02778 – 50080 / 02778-50442 (on the hill).

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