Shri Ajitnath Bhagwan


NH2, Chaurasi, Krishna Nagar, Mathura 281004, Uttar Pradesh

Nearest Railway Station


Nearest Airport



66.2 km

How To Reach

It is situated on N.H.2 (Delhi Mathura Highway) 4 Km north to Mathura. The temple and statues are visible and has an entry gate on National Highways. If coming by Bus you can get down on Govardhan Chauraha and approach temple by rickshaw.


About Mathura Chaurasi :
Amid the Bharat and Airavat Kshtera of Madhyalok Utsarpini and Avsarpini makes the timeline into different circles. The first kevali who initiated the moksha parampara of the present yug in chaturtha kaal was Anantvirya Bhagvan Bhaubali. Then 24 Tirthankars followed the salvation path and attained Nirvana. Jambu swami became the Last Kevali of Chaturtha kaal who was disciple of Gandhar Sudharmacharya to Mahavir. The only Vaishya Vanshiya Jambukumar attained the ultimate nirvana at age of 84 in the lush green place of uttar pradesh known as Mathura which at that time was surrounded by dense 84 forests. From the day it is known as Chaurasi (hindi of 84) and the pious land became sacred to all of us.
Main Temple & Idol :
The present Main temple has Tirthankar Ajitnath as main deity with charan of Jambuswami adorning the main vedi.After Jambuswami his charan were obtained and later on temple was built and they were placed by Mathura samaj. The mulnayak Ajitnath bhagwan pratima is really impressive and very beautiful made of white stone. It was discovered from Gwalior during some excavation work of land.

There are 9 more vedis in main temple of Parasnath, Neminath, Mahavir bhagwan. Two special vedis are made here of standing karyotsargs statues of Pratham (first) Kevali Bahubali swami and Antim (last) Kevali Jambu swami facing each other adding glory and dignity to temple.

The main temple has big hall which can accommodate 500+ people for puja and pravachans.

Temple Timings & Kind of:
Digamber – From 6:00 AM to 9:30 PM
Other Temple :
Jain Gurukul Mandir Adinath Mandir Jambu Swami Bada Mandir (Panchkalyanak in Nov 2007)

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