Shri Shantinath Bhagwan


Post : Bhopawar, Taluka : Sardarpura, District : Dhar 454111, Madhya Pradesh

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How To Reach

The nearest major railway station is Indore at 80 KM. Rajgarh is at 10 KM. The nearest big city is Dhar at 35 KM. Public & private transport is available.

  • Trust Name

Shree Shantinath Bhagwan Jain Shwetamber Mandir Trust


Situated in the Bhopawar city of Dhar district in Madhya Pradesh, this temple houses a 3.64 meter tall idol of Shree Shantinath Bhagwan.

Brief History

Remains of the old temple have been found buried under the premises of the new temple.The idol of the ‘Moolnayak’ is said to be of Shree Neminath Bhagwan’s period. ‘Jeernodhara had been done after which the idol was re – installed. The locals of the ‘Bhil’ community have immense faith in the Lord whom they call ‘Kaalababa’ & ‘Bamandeva’. Miracles like ‘Amizara’ (divine showers) & snakes coiled around the main idol have often occured here.The glass, shell & ‘meenakari’ work in the temple is very attractive. At present the magnificent temple is under renovation.

Jain Idol  :

12 feet (about 3.66 meters) high Kayotsarg idol of Shri Shantinath Bhagwan made of Blusih stone is considered the moolnayak of this teerth place.

Jain God Desc :

According to a famous myth, Rukmi, the brother of Rukmini (who married Lord Shrikrishna) established this teerth place after he was defeated by Shrikr

Jain Teerth :

The holy place is present in the centre of Bhopawar village situated near Mahi river.

Speciality of Jain Teerth :

Mela is orgainised on every Poush Krishna Dasami. The Bheels of the adjuscent areas also visits this place for the Mela ND PRAYS Bhagwan Shantinath famous as Shri Kaala Baba & Khamada Dev among them. This teerth place has experienced many magical evidences. Sometimes a black Kobra appears near the moolnayak idol and reptites itself all around the idol. Once the pilgrims has seen the flow of milk (Kesariya in colour) coming out of the foot of the moolnayak idol.

Managing Trust :

Shri Shantinath Jain Shwetambar Mandir Trust

Management Details of Jain :

Shri Shantinath Jain Shwetambar Mandir Trust; At & Post: Bhopawar; Tehsil: Sardarpur; Dist: Dhaar; State: Madhya Pradesh. INDIA. Pin: 454 111. Telephone: (07296) 66830/ 66861. Rajgarh Pedhi: 32401.

Geographical Details :  
Historical Details :

According to a myth famous about this teerth place, the father & brother, Rukmi, of Rukmini opposed her to marry Shri Krishna. Inspite, they arranged Swaymbar for her marriage & invited number of Princes all over the country except Shri Krishna as they were jealous of him. Lord Shri Krishna has kidnapped Rukmini from Swayambar place on her invitation. In turn Rukmi chased Shri Krishna and attempt attack on him at this place. He was defeated in the battle by Lord Shri Krishna and decided to stay there for doing meditation to gain power so that he could take the revenge. It seems that the teerth place was renovated many times in the time scale. The ancient temple is said to be underground somewhere around the present one. The idol of Shri Shantinath Bhagwan is said to be very ancient belonging to the period of Bhagwan Shri Neminath Bhagwan.

Management Dharamshala :

Dharamshala is available at Rajgarh. Bhata is available upto 9.00 am while food available between 10.00 am to 1.00 pm & from 5.00 pm till the sunset.

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