महाराष्ट्र प्रान्त के नाशिक जिला के अर्न्तगत सटाणा तालुका में स्थित तराबाद से १२ किलोमीटर की दुरी पर स्थित एस क्षेत्र से श्रीराम, हनुमान, सुग्रीव, नील और महानील सहित ९९ करोड़ मुनिराज मोक्ष गए हैं. सीता जी ने स्त्रीलिंग छेद कर सोलहवे स्वर्ग में प्रतिईंद्र हुए.  यहाँ पर १००८ विश्व हितंकर भगवान पार्श्वनाथ की अतिशयकारी घटनाये देखि एवं सुनी जाती हैं. समुद्र ताल से ४५०० फ़ुट ऊँचाई पर गालना हिल नाम से प्रस्सिध एस पड़ी क्षेत्र की दो चोटिया मांगी जी एवं तुंगी जी हैं. मंगिगिरी पर ७ गुफा मंदिर तथ तुंगीगिरी पर ३ गुफा मंदिर हैं. यहाँ पर १०८ फ़ुट ऊँची भगवान ऋषभदेव की विश्व में विशालतम मूर्ति का निर्माण कार्य भी चल रहा हैं.

Mangi Tungi is a famous holy place for pilgrimage. This is a Siddha Kshetra where Ram, Hanuman, Sugriva, Nal, Neel, Mahaneel, Gava, Gavaksha and so many others, Total 99 Carores of ascetics attained salvation full & final freedom from world and went to Siddha Shila or Moksha, from where no one returns to the world and enjoys the internal spiritual bliss for infinite time. This Holy place is also related to Lord Ram & Sita, Lord Krishna & his elder brother Balram.

This place is very old consists of two hills Mangi & Tungi. Inscriptions on so many idols are not clear. Many idol installed in V.S. 651 are here. Many inscriptions on rock are here in Sansakrit Language in Adinath & Shantinath Caves, but not clear. An inscription of V. S. 1400 is still there in Adinath Cave. Mulher’s Rathor King. Viramdeo’s name is written in many inscriptions, he ruled 400 years ago. King Viramdeo whenever went for war, he used to salute Devi Chakreshvari. He constructed many temples on both the hill Mangi & Tungi. Mulher may be a center of Jains some time in past.

How to reach:

Busses are available for Mangi Tungi from –
Nasik at 4:30 PM
Malegaon at 8:00 AM & at 6:00 PM
Manmarh at 10:00 AM

Nearby Places:

Fort of Kanchanpur is famous for field of bananas and many tanks of water situated on the nearby hills.
Fort of Mulher is has many big tanks of water, many temples of Lord Shiva & idol of Chakreshvare Devi.
Caves of Dongaria Deo – These are attached to Mangigiri. It is said that there are so many idols made of jewels, but difficult to view them. Tribal festival (Mela) is organized here on Margshirsh 15 every year.



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